July 23, 1935 Michael banner

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I don't see how this helps me, but I told him I'd try. I guess I should  start with who I am, My name is Michael Banner  (pronounced bay-ner don't ask why i just like it better that way) there's not much about me. I was created  when Nicholas was five, but his mother say i go back to when he was three. I grew attached to his mom she understood me and knew I was the tough one. I guess she felt like i was an older  brother to Nicholas. At times I feel myself to be that. His mom gave me a box and told me not to  open it untill Nicholas was 17. Since then I've kept it close and i think its time I'd open it. Inside i found a birth certificate containg my name and a photo of an area in the cemetery where i saw an encrypted inscription that wrote,
Khuh olhv Plfkdho Edqqhu  wkh fklog zkr  glgq'w  vxuylyh ,  wkh fklog  zkr zloo eh oryhg iruhyhu.

I don't know what it means it maybe a of cipher of some kind.

I don't know what any of it means. I'll find out soon, as for Nick he's fine he still thinks his parents are alive. Me i'm not sure myself it's possible but not likely.
We have to be careful it could  be a trap.

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