mine ✘ cake

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(( not famous ))

[ also this is a one shot ]

            it was a typical day in town, and luke hemmings decided to visit a coffee shop. it was quite early—many people were eating breakfast at this time and everything was going slow.

          “can i help you?” luke heard someone say, assuming that it was his waiter.

          “yeah can i have a—” luke stopped mid-sentence, his eyes roaming over every small feature on the waiter’s face. the waiter boy chuckled, a shy smile on his lips.


          “oh uh, nothing,” luke stammered, “can i just have a vanilla latte?

          “coming right up,” the young waiter scribbled down something on his notepad. “oh, and i’m calum by the way.”

          “luke. how old are you?”

          “i’m nineteen, and i’m a college student. i’m just working here part time,” calum explained. “and yourself?”

          “i’m eighteen and trying to figure out what i want to do with my life,” luke laughed slightly. calum smiled, and he found himself admiring the younger boy’s features. calum watched as luke took his lip ring in between his teeth, slowly nodding his head.

          “well, i’m going to go and get your latte, but before i forget...”


          calum ripped off a small piece of paper with seven digits written down on it. “don’t be a stranger. call me sometime, yeah?”

          luke blushed. “yes, of course.”

[ x ]

a year later . . .

          “can you believe it?” luke smiled, and he and calum were both laying on his couch. calum’s head was resting in luke’s lap, and the younger boy was absentmindedly running his fingers through calum’s dark hair.

          “it’s almost too good to be true,” calum smiled up at luke, a look of love in his eyes. “i used to say that love never lasts, so why bother? but the thing about you is. . .you proved me wrong. you proved to me that love can last. i. . . i love you, luke hemmings.”

          “i love you too, calum hood.” luke smiled, and calum sat upright so he could sit pressed up against his boyfriend of nearly a year. “do you remember when you put your arm around me for the first time? since then, i knew i was going to do anything and everything for you. i was willing to break the rules just to see you.”

          calum grinned, brushing luke’s hair back a little with his fingers. calum placed a hand on luke’s jaw, smoothing his thumb along his cheek. “and you have lots of your stuff at my place. so many things remind me of you, and i sleep with your t-shirts when you aren’t there to lay with me. it’s amazing how much we know about each other now since the day we met at the coffee shop.”

          “i have something i need to ask you. i will completely understand if you aren’t ready to commit yet, but...” luke started, slightly nervous. calum leaned in to place a quick, reassuring kiss on luke’s cheek.

          “you can ask me anything.”

          “do you maybe wanna. . . move in together?” luke wanted to know, nervous of what calum was going to reply.

          “i’d love to!”

          “really? you don’t think it’s too sudden?”

          “well, i’m twenty and you’re nineteen, and we’ve been together for a while. i think it would be so much fun,” calum reassured his boyfriend, squeezing his shoulder. luke wrapped his arms around calum’s neck, and calum leaned in and kissed luke passionately. luke kissed back immediately, holding back a moan that nearly escaped his lips.

          “so we’re really doing this?”

          calum took luke’s hand in his, then kissed the back of his hand. “i guess we are.”

[ x ]

          everything was smooth sailing for luke and calum; it had been five months since they moved in together and things were great. they had gotten even closer—always being attached to one another somehow. everything was perfect until one night when calum and luke had their very first fight.

          “you fucking prick! if i would have known that you were going to be such a needy, selfish jerk then i wouldn’t have wasted my time on you!” luke hollered, anger being the only emotion shown in his voice. it was very late, and the two boys were downstairs in the kitchen even though it was quite dim.

          “oh, thanks for telling me that i’m a waste of time.”

          “oh i’m sorry, calum. i thought you knew.”

          “the only reason you’re mad at me is because i’m not ready for any other major commitment? i’m not ready for marriage yet, luke. we’re still too young.” calum tried to talk some sense into the boy, but luke wouldn’t budge. “you know what? it’s 2:30am. you need to sleep, anyways. i’m sure you won’t be so insistent when we wake up.”

          “so this is all we’re going to have? we’re never going to go any further with this?” luke felt his heart shattering, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. “you know what? fine. just...don’t ever speak to me again. i’ll find somewhere to live soon enough. i’m sorry you’re not mature enough to go forward in this relationship.”

          “luke. . .”

          “stop,” he gave calum a cold stare, yanking himself away and ignoring all of the older boy’s protests. luke burst into tears, running out the door into the street. calum was quick to chase after him, not caring about how hard it was raining or how dark and cold it was now. calum ran around for a while, and he finally found luke standing on the side of a road.

          “luke, look at me,” calum tried to grab luke’s hand and turn him around, but the younger boy continued to sob and push him away. calum tried again, this time succeeding. he placed a hand on both sides of luke’s face, looking him in the eyes as droplets of rain rolled down his forehead.

          “w-what?” luke shivered.

          “i’ll never leave you alone,” calum began, smoothing his thumb over the blonde’s features. “do you remember how we felt when we first saw each other? every time i look at you. . . it’s like the first time. i’m in love with you. you are the best thing that’s ever been mine.”

          luke smiled a little, relaxing into calum’s touch when he realized the boy was being genuine. luke rested his forehead against calum’s, his lips hovering over the older boy’s.

          “i’m sorry i tried to rush into things,” luke finally said. “i’m still yours?”

          calum nodded, pressing his lips to luke’s quickly. “mine.”

so yeah this is basically how this book will be set up. this was obviously based on ‘mine’

did you like it? :-)

i’ll post again soon my lovess<3

speak now | cake | mashtonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora