Before we had a chance.

Start from the beginning

We both knew he was right, they know me all too well to hide when I'm upset. "Dean..."

"Be real with me." He pleaded more than demanded. It was kind of cute to see him like this.

"Just... Go take a shower." I tried to hint, not wanting to come out and say it; which would reveal my crush on him.

He sighed and smelled his shirt, "I don't see the problem, princess. But fine, I'll see you later."

I did feel bad for making him feel bad and worry that something was wrong. It is just my stupid crush on him making me crazy and jealous.

I was watching a movie a little while later when my door opened as Dean knocked on it. I knew it was him by the foot steps before he was here. I didn't need to look up.

"What's up, Dean?" I never took my eyes off the screen.

"A Walk to Remember? See, I knew you were upset. I don't smell like her anymore, princess. I promise. I washed every bit of me three times just to be sure, and those clothes are in the washer. I'm sorry."

Now he had my attention. I paused the movie and finally looked at him. He was standing at the foot of my bed with his hands in his pockets. "What... What are you talking about?"

He shuffled his feet and sighed, "I'm sorry, about before. I'm sorry I went home with another girl when I would much rather have come home and spent time with you. I'm sorry I hugged you while I still smelled like her. It took me a minute to figure it out, even Sammy was stumped for a minute. Don't be mad at him for telling me." He said as my face went flat.

I am going to punch Sam for mentioning my crush on Dean to him.

I rolled my eyes and still tried to play it off. "You don't answer to me. You can do whatever and whoever you want. That is your choice."

"I saw how much it bothered you when you noticed my hickeys. I noticed how you hated smelling her on me. Y/n, I'm sorry. You are the girl I would much rather spend my nights with."

He sat on the bed next to me, so I scooted away slightly. "I didn't like the scent is all. It's your life. You don't need to humor me by saying shit you don't mean because you found out."

He grumbled under his breath "Look at me and tell me if I'm lying."

"I don't have to look at you, Dean. You chose to go out and not stay in with me. You chose to hit on that girl. And you chose to go home with her. Those were your choices."

"I didn't realize you were an option, princess." He cut me off and tried to lean in close to me.

I rolled away and pushed him. "Dean, stop! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

He followed me across the bed, "Princess, I'm trying to show you that I'm sorry, that I'm here now. I want you."

I walked to my door, standing next to it and glaring at him. "While you're still marked up from another girl?? When an hour ago you still smelled like her? When a few hours ago you were buried inside her?! God, what is wrong with you? Get out of my room."

He stood up, but didn't move to leave. "I'm sorry, okay? You are the girl for me. I didn't know you were a choice for me until Sam told me how you felt, too. I'm sorry I was with her before, but I'm here now."

I felt the tears on my cheeks, "Who says I am a choice? You don't get it. You chose to go out and be with her. You are still covered in hickeys from her! So, no, you cannot just chose me now. You cannot kiss me for the first time and profess these feelings and expect it to magically erase where you were last night and this morning. Dean, you are ruining this. Get out."

He seemed to shrink into himself some as he realized he was hurting me. He stared at me for a minute, then slowly nodded before walking toward the door. As he got next to me he paused to whisper softly, "I'm sorry. I messed all this up before I even knew I could have it. I'm so sorry."

I shut the door without a word back, and then sank to the floor dramatically to cry. God he finally admitted he wants me too, and it's now tainted. All I could focus on was the fact that he was with her not 12 hours ago, and I couldn't stop looking at the marks she left behind. He really did ruin it before we ever had a chance. How could he think I would want to start things with him while her touch is still lingering on his body?

I avoided him for days, telling Sam I just wasn't up to going on their hunt with them. But when they got back Dean asked to talk to me. So, I agreed and we went to the garage and stood near Baby.

"What's up, Dean?" He looked emotional. This is the first time I have ever voluntarily went five days without talking to him.

"Princess, I'm sorry. I took the feelings you had, and my own feelings, and ruined any chance we had at acting on them. You were right about that. You deserve more than that. And I want you to know that I'm sorry for that. I wish I could take it all back: trying to make a move after being with someone else. Hell, being with someone else in the first place. She wasn't who I wanted, and instead of coming home and talking to you about it... I went with her. I hurt you in the process, and I'm sorry about that."

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