Chapter 16

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[Hello guys! I'm back, and I decided to add an extra chapter. It will be a prequel of the actual story. This chapter happened before Tendou's coma.]

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Most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or heard but instead must be felt with the heart. Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit. The best things in life are each other. It's better to have been loved and lost than never to have been loved at all. Tendou was alone, sitting on a bench during a party held by his classmates. The young fellow had a drink in hand, observing the surrounding area while hoping that his best friend shows up soon. Nearby, teenagers were heard playing beer pong to his left, and to the right, a few girls were playing suck and blow. Tendou sighed, imagining Ushijima being one of those ladies, while he was the other one.

The party was a suggestion courtesy of Reon. After graduation, the boys had the urge to throw a gathering to take advantage of the moment as a chance to see each other one last time. All Tendou was doing, though, was eating chocolate filled with rum and drinking straight vodka. These two mixed well together as he put a piece of chocolate in his glass, then picked it up a couple of seconds later and sucked on it. As he stood up, everything went blurry. Disoriented, he brought his hands to his eyes as he rubbed them to regain his vision. Nothing else could be done as he was tipsy. Tendou started to move, losing his balance from time to time. Weakly, he held his glass that was slipping out, as it hung on between his right index and middle fingers. One small step seemed too heavy for the young man as he passed the threshold and let his weight push open the door. His eyes faced the ground as he slowly raised his head and noticed the pool. The beautiful shining water seemed to be enticing enough for a quick dip, so he marched over to it. The glass he held fell out of his hand, but that didn't bother him too much. As Tendou drunkenly strolled to the pool, people stared at him, wondering what he was doing.

Meanwhile, Ushijima had just arrived. Semi stepped up to greet him and offered a glass of wine. He graciously refused, as he doesn't drink alcohol. Suddenly, in the corner of his eyes, Wakatoshi saw Tendou balancing himself at the edge of the pool. It took him a second to rush towards the swimming pool, in an attempt to try and catch his best friend before he could slip. As Ushijima's arms grabbed on to the frailer man, they both fell into the water. Underwater, Tendou gradually opened his eyes. The moment he saw the green-haired man, he smiled. They hugged each other as they stared into each other's eyes. As they were floating, Ushijima told Tendou that he should go inside to dry up.

[Listen to: I was all over her - Salvia Palth]

Once inside, Ushijima realized that Tendou was under the influence of alcohol. As Satori entered the room after he changed, Wakatoshi's face had an astonished expression as he noticed his red hair down. Tendou's weak smile made him want to hug him. He approached his friend, but the latter pushed him onto the bed. Smirking, Tendou climbed on top and took out some sparkling green makeup pencil that he stole from the bathroom. Wakatoshi was confused, but he put his hands on Satori's back, bringing his body closer. Tendou uncorked the pencil and began drawing underneath Ushijima's eyes. The pencil lead caressed the latter's cheeks. Despite Tendou's condition, his hands handled moving the pencil lead smoothly, and it felt satisfying to the touch. This nearly made Ushijima fall asleep.

"You LoOk p-pretty like thIS... Wakat-shii KuN~."

As the buff man heard his friend's words, he chuckled softly. Without letting Satori question his giggling, Ushijima put his hands on his red-eyed companion's head. He slowly pushed himself towards each other so their foreheads could connect. Smiling at Satori, he replied to his funny remark.

"Not as pretty as you, Tendou."

This was when Tendou knew there was no pity in life. The sad part is, he knew he could never be with his best friend. Depressed, he started to cry, burying his face into Wakatoshi's chest. Both tightly embraced each other, as Tendou kept sobbing louder, shedding tears onto the tall man's torso.
It was hard to admit for the redhead that he loved Ushijima more than he loved himself. That he hated everything about himself, but he fell so hard for his best friend. Unfortunately, Ushijima came from a strict household. Him being left-handed almost made his family despise him to the point of nearly being disowned by them. Starting a romantic relationship with a man would cross the line. His mother would do anything to ruin his career if he came out. Tendou was the one who refused Ushijima to talk about their love life. He had more empathy than anyone Ushijima knew.

[Listen to: Always - Peder B. Helland](

[Tendou's POV]

Maybe I was destined to fall in love with people I knew I could not have. Perhaps there is an assortment of people waiting for me to find them. Waiting to make me feel the impossible over again. I just wanted him. Only him... He made me feel special. The way his eyes would watch me when I was doing my blocks back in high school. I felt cool in front of someone for once, instead of feeling like I was a monster. I feel like love hurts when it is never supposed to hurt. Love should heal. It should be your haven from misery, to make living f*ckin' worthwhile. So yea, love doesn't hurt. Loving the wrong person does. But with Wakatoshi~Kun, I feel like he wasn't the wrong person. Maybe it was just the wrong time. Nothing made me happier, and nothing made me sadder than him.

[End of Tendou's POV]

[Tendou's letter to Ushijima]

Wakatoshi ~ Kun... you are my haven, my happy place. The one I will always call my best friend. I left volleyball forever because I didn't know if people would accept me again and not be afraid of who I am. But you, my miracle boy... You befriended me so easily. We connected effortlessly. I hope that in another life, I will be able to tell you that I love you.

Wakatoshi, I love you. And I will always admire you, your personality, your talent, your beauty, your everything... I wished hard for us to be together without any issues to get in our way and without anyone trying to ruin our lives. I guess this life wasn't the best one. But continue to make me proud. Keep working hard; reach your goals. I know you can do it! I will be watching over you~ 🖤

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