Hunger Games

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If you were in the Hunger Games, what character would you play?

((PS. Hiccup, your awesome.))


Merida: *reads* Why does Hiccup have all the fans? >.<

Hiccup: *runs a hand through my hair* Because I am just that cool xD

Jack: OOOh OOOH! I love the hunger games :3 I would plaaaay Peeta.

Hiccup: Sure ya would *laughs and rolls eyes* I guess Gale?

Merida: Katniss. Duh.

Rapunzel: *whispers* Jarida! Jarida! *laughs*

Hiccup: *bursts out laughing*

Rapunzel: I would wanna be Prim xD

Jack: Pffft

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