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Baran: Z Charlotte, "Bubblegum bitch" - Marina

Byk: Z Jasperem, "Super Freak - Rick James

Bliźnięta: Z Chapą, "You don't know me" - Elizabeth Gillies

Rak: Z Henrykiem, "Dancing in my room" - 347aidan

Lew: Z Miką, "Welcome home, son" - Radical face

Panna: Z Piper, "Ophelia" - The Lumineers

Waga: Z Ray'em, "Sweater weather" - The Neighbordhood

Skorpion: Z Miles'em, "Sign of the Times" - Harry Styles

Strzelec: Z Bose'em, "Why'd you only call me when you're high" - Arctic Monkeys

Koziorożec: Z Schwoz'em, "Radioactive" - Imagine Dragons

Wodnik: Z Piper, "Daddy issues" - The Neighbordhood

Ryby: Z Chapą, "Natural" - Imagine Dragons

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