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"I told you we can talk about it later!" Rory pushed her way through the front door to her new house with a huff of annoyance.

"Ror this isn't just something to push off, it's important!"

"So is the fact that my head feels like it's going to explode!"

About this, Rory wasn't lying. As soon as they had even gotten to the tomb, Rory had a slight headache, but now it had grown to a wicked one. She cupped her head against her hand with a slight hiss as the girl made her way up the stairs.

"We're talking about this first thing tomorrow." Elena followed up the stairs, the human girl giving in and deciding to cool it for the night.

"Alright sis." The words felt foreign as they slipped from Rory's lips. It was as if she could so physically feel her lie pass through her lips. It was odd to her how she had so easily slipped into her role as the sister of Elena and Jeremy Gilbert, niece of Jenna Gilbert.

And maybe she was. Mrs. Terebeth had always told her she belonged somewhere else. Maybe this was where she truly belonged, as Aurora Gilbert, a human girl caught up in the shit storm brewin' around her sister.

It was only a brief passing thought. Rory couldn't help but wonder if her ability to so easily slip into her role had anything to do with what she went through as a child, all the lies and manipulation she had endured, all the lies she had to spew to protect herself.

No other words were spoken between the two girls as they padded their way to their separate doors, opened them and made their way inside.

A hand covered her face as she tirelessly pushed her door shut with the hell of her click. The girl leaned against her door, both hands cupping face as if doing so would hide her from the pain. But it didn't work like that, not anymore. She wasn't a child who could hide from her pain any longer. She tensed slightly, something felt off. She knew what the feeling of being watched was, and she certainly felt that way now. She felt no fear, she already knew who it was. She was really hoping he would have waited until tomorrow to show up, as much as she didn't mind seeing his face around.

"You don't seem to be doing that well."

"Not at the moment, no."

Still leaning against the wall, Rory uncovered her face to look at the man who was leaning against the wall right next to her window. To her surprise he looked at her with worry, something Rory had not expected to see from him.

"May I ask what ails you?"

Rory sighed slightly. "Just a headache turning into a migraine. I'll go back down and get some meds when we-"

Rory could only blink, she hadn't even finished speaking before the man had disappeared and reappeared in front of her with a bottle of ibuprofen and a glass of water held out in front of her.

He nodded down at her, worry still filling his dark eyes. "Take it now, I wouldn't wish for our conversation to strain you. We have much to talk about."

Rory couldn't help but smile up at him. She reached out to get the medication bottle. She wasted no time opening the bottle, putting the medication in her mouth, and reaching for the glass of water to help the pills down.

"Thank you." She turned and placed the bottle and glass onto the dresser next to her bedroom door. "You didn't have to do that." She turned back to him. "I'm sure you want to know why I wrote what I wrote."

The original nodded. "Yes. That's certainly one of the questions I have."

Rory rubbed the back of her neck before badding around him to crawl onto her bed. Once she was tucked in and comfortable, she motioned for him to sit somewhere. "The truth is long and unbelievable. But you can hear my heart, you'll know I'm not lying."

The vampire male chose to sit at the end of her bed, looking across from her, his legs crossed as he nodded at her.

"To get down to the niddy griddy of it, I'm not from this world...Well according to the witch who brought me here, this is the world I belong in, was born in, but it's not the one I was brought up in."

When Elijah's brows furrowed in deep confusion, Rory knew this explanation was going to give her a much larger headache. "I don't know much about all of that, I didn't exactly get a good explanation before getting zapped here other than 'I'm going to get you home Aurora, to where you'll be happy, to where you belong.'"

Elijah's arms had crossed over his chest. "You are right. That is certainly unbelievable." If he wasn't able to hear the way her heart calmed, had no beat out of place, he would have believed her to be lying.

Rory ran a hand over her face. "All I know is she said I wasn't human, something about me being a nymph? I don't even know what that is-" Rory watched as Elijah's eyes grew wide with shock.
...But..You do, don't you?.."

"A nymph?" The male stood up, walking around the bed to get closer to her, Rory tried to back up out of confusion, but she was already leaning against the wall. The original looked down at her with such curiosity. He reached out towards her, gently taking her hand in his. He looked down at it with such shock, it brought fear to Rory's pain and confusion.

"E-Elijah? What's going on? What do you know?"

"I know that I understand why there is magic dancing around you, why power radiates from you, why you hold yourself so tall." He paused for a moment, her hand still in his.

'I haven't seen a nymph in a very long time, so that explains why I didn't recognize it and only assumed you were a witch."

Rory blinked. "Oh."

The male couldn't help but unconsciously run his thumb over the back of her soft hand. "It is truly a surprise, nymphs are all but extinct, and only a rare handful exist in the world. Hidden so that they are not killed off as well."

Rory sat up straighter, curiosity yet weariness filled her, her nose and brows wrinkled, her eyes darkened. "What are nymphs being killed off by?"

His answer was blunt and simple. "Anything and everything, witches use your kinds blood as a...A large boost of power, vampires get addicted to your taste and can't help but drain you of blood, humans use you for weapons, and werewolves attempt to force you to take away their curse. That or strengthen them."

He frowned down at her with his face straight, his eyes darkened with such seriousness. "Aurora, your simple existence puts you in a world of danger. If you are not protected, can not protect yourself, you like the rest of your kind will die."

Rory's eyes widened, her hands began to shake, her lips quivering as she tried to pull her hand away from the original to curl in on herself. She was supposed to be sent to this world to have a better life, not have to fear that everyday, she could die because someone wanted to use her.

"Do not hide." Elijah bent down, her hand still in his as he used his other to cup her face. He made her look at him. "I will not allow anyone to hurt you, there is no need to fear or worry about such things. I will teach you to defend yourself when I can not, my witches will teach you how to use your magic. They will not hurt you either."

"Why would you do that? Protect me? I haven't even told you why I know Klaus is your brother yet."

Elijah smiled down at her softly, his hand gently caressing her cheek. "Because you, Aurora, are important to me.. Can you not feel it? The bond between our souls, linking your pure one to my damned?"

She could. She could feel exactly what he was describing to her, there was this tug between them. Like something was pulling her to be as close to him as possible. Her happiness soared when he was there, but as soon as he left, as he had done at the tomb, she began to feel miserable. Truthfully the girl had just chalked it up to him being her favorite character and just wanting to be around him as a fangirl.

"I feel it...What is it?"

"Vampires..Though most cursed, they have at least one good thing to look forward to in their long eternity. Finding their mates, soul mates."

Rory blinked. "Vampires have soul mates?" She was surprised to hear of such a thing, soul mates had never existed in the show..But she assumed that things weren't going to be exactly the same as the show, but nymphs weren't on the show either, and neither was she.

Elijah nodded. "And the tug? I know you can feel it between us. We already gravitate towards each other, even after having only just met. It means we're meant for each other. You are the other half of me, of my soul. And I will not let someone so much as touch a hair on your head. You are under my protection."

Rory couldn't help the blush that spread across her face. Her eyes were filled with awe and adoration as she gazed up into Elijahs. She truly did not expect any of this. They were soul mates. Then it truly clicked. Why she was always so drawn to his character, even as a child, why her caretaker spoke of her being so drawn to the show, to Elijah's character. Mrs. Terebeth knew.

"A soul mate bond must be incredibly strong to be able to reach across worlds."

Rory could only smile when the vampire cocked his head at her in confusion. "I'm not sure what you mean."

"It explains why I was also so drawn to you growing up...This is gonna sound crazy to you. But from the world I was in before..You're part of a TV show I grew up watching."

Elijah only blinked at her, his brows rising.

"I know that sounds crazy but it's true. The show is called Vampire Diaries. It most follows Elena and the shit storm that brews around her. But it also goes into a lot of things, like you and your family because Klaus is a little shit and wants to break his hybrid curse."

Elijah pulled back and sat on the bed in front of her. "That's impossible..So everything you know, you know because you watched this show as a child."

"I mean, not just as a child, it's always been one of my favorite shows so I tend to rewatch the entire thing every few years. I mostly just skip all the Elena bullshit and get to season 2 where you come into the show cause you're my favorite-"

Rory slapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes wide as her face became a bright red.

Elijah could only stare at her. He was taking in everything she explained to him. But when she started to ramble, he caught her little slip up. The man couldn't help but tease her.

"I'm your favorite..in this show?"

She didn't have to answer. The way her heartbeat increased told him all he needed to know. He grinned at her playfully.

"I suppose you may be right, maybe even across..Our worlds, our souls entwined. Though I am proud to know that I am your favorite, despite how mind boggling it is to know if another world your life is part of a show others find entertainment in."

Rory glared at him, her blush still dark. "Don't let it get to your head, Mikaelson."
"Of course not, my dear." He smiled coyly at her, and Rory knew it was too late.

The two were silent for a few moments, each absorbing the information they had gotten thus far. Elijah took in the fact that Rory most likely knew the majority of his life, much more than she should have known. Meanwhile, Rory thought about the things her caretaker had spoken lightly of. Mrs. Terebeth said Rory had been drawn to the show like no other, and that she had been drawn to the character Elijah so strongly, as well as Klaus. But Rory wouldn't think about that right now.

"The witch who sent me here, she told me growing up whenever I watched Vampire Diaries, I seemed to be yearning for something. That I seemed sad whenever I watched it, like I needed to be here... Do you think that might've been my soul reaching out for yours?"

"Most likely, yes. It could have also been the fact of your soul simply wanting to be in the world it belonged in, truthfully it could be both."

Rory nodded. "I remember a large portion of what happened in the show, I want to help stop things from happening, and fix others. But as much as I want too...Fucking with the future is a finiky thing...I don't want to ruin everything by trying to help."

Elijah looked at her sternly at her language but once again reached out for her hand, and Rory put her hand in his.It was comforting, even just the smallest bit of contact between them seemed to make her feel so much better.

"You can not tell anyone what you know, if others learn that you know what is to be our future they will either want to find you even more, or letting people know of their fate will change what is supposed to happen, and for better or worse we can not be sure."

"Like Niklaus." Rory sighed.

"Exactly like Niklaus."

"Maybe I could give hints? Or subtly change things, so many bad things are going to happen..I just want to help make things better." Rory frowned at the vampire in front of her and he only smiled sadly in return.

"I know, sweet one. But you have to be careful with what you change, messing with the future can be finicky."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2020 ⏰

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