One of the man in the group was wearing the jacket that the killer wore yesterday.It had a star on the shoulder which reflected the light.

'I clearly remember it....shit that means I'm sitting in a house of killers, or at least one killer,I have to leave as soon as possible.'

"So" one of the guys spoke " let's get to know each other."

"Of course."I tried to give the best fake smile I could.But I was under pressure now and the urge to leave made it harder to act calm.

'That's good,they want to get to know me better and not kill me ,cause I don't remember anything,it'll be easy.'I tried to reassure myself,I was not quite sure if it was working though.

"My name is Bangchan and you are...Choi Jieun?"

"Yes"I answered while nodding my head.

"So how old are you and where do you live?"He suddenly smirked which I thought was kind of weird yet I didn't want to overreact.

'I don't like that smirk!what is he planning?'Fighting my nervousness I answered his questions calmly.

"I'm 21 years old and I moved to Seoul not so long ago."

"Alright and how come that you fainted last night in the streets?"
He asked,as his smirk slowly disappeared.

"I didn't really ate much... and well that is not the first time happening so."
I lied straight into his face.

"Ahh really."He laid back into the sofa he was sitting on while shacking his head and biting his bottom lip.I frowned,somewhat confused at his reaction.

"Sadly I have to tell you, I know you're lying."His face suddenly became cold as he stared holes in my body.

I gulped.'Fuck,how could he even know?!"

"What?I wasn't lying!"I claimed trying to sound offended.

"Honey,nobody ever told you that your hands shake when you're lying?"Chan asked,as a smirk formed on his lips once again.

"What?that's not true-"I was at a loss of words looking down at my hands.They weren't shacking but maybe they did before.

"I think we have to explain some things to her." Jeongin said and looked up to Bangchan.

"You explain."

"Ok alright,we're a gang called Stray kids and you got yourself mixed in our business.You saw something you shouldn't have seen."

Seungmin then continued for Jeongin.

"This is Minho who tried to kill you but you once let me copy your homework so I told him not to kill you."

He pointed to a boy with brown hair.

First I was relieved and thankful that I was still alive until it hit me ,all those people are killers but they are so young!

'Well I probably won't be alive for long then.'

I took a deep breath. "I appreciate that you didn't kill me because I let you copy my homework but..
This is a house of fucking killers and psychopaths!Let me get the fuck outta here!"

3 Person's POV
Jieun jumped up from her seat and ran towards the door slamming it open,running through the hallway,she quickly realised the door was locked.
She looked around for another way to get out but hearing footsteps from behind her she knew she had no chance.

The leader stood behind her with a grin that made her angry,in that moment all the fear vanished and turned into rage.

"Y'all fucking disgusting me!"She screamed and locked eyes with Minho for a second,all members of the gang were now in the entrance hall,the leader right in front of her.

"You maniac's ain't got nothing better to do than killing people!
And living off money that was earned in disgusting ways!
I swear if you don't open this fucking door right now I'll...I'll fight you all!"

At this point she was just ranting,of course Jieun knew she wouldn't be able to fight against them.But the anger made her blind,in a way she tried to protect herself with it.At this moment she was in tears screaming,her vision was blurred and her head started hurting badly,she let herself fall to the ground and sniffed then the girl continued to scream things that wouldn't make anything better.

Her ranting only got interrupted as someone pulled her up from the cold tiles,pushing her against the door and pressing their fingers against her neck and pressuring only a bit,probably as a warning and trying to get her attention.

Jieun looked up and met the leaders cold eyes.She thought that he was probably planning on ways how to kill her.

Well,yes he was.

"I think,I know what to do with you."

So yeah this was the first chapter.Pls give this book a chance haha.^^
Sry for any mistakes! :)

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