Then there was a noise heard from the teenager's room, the mother walked over to the door and peaked in to see that her child, already wearing the school uniform consisting of a white button up shirt and navy pants, has seemed to drop some books on the ground.


Snapping to their sense, 'Tsu-chan' immediately crouched down to pick all the books, while stuttering, "D-d-dad? T-tutor?"

"Mhm...' the mother gazed worriedly at her child, 'Tsu-chan' never acted like this, "Tsu-chan, is there an issue?"

"N-no!" The young teen exclaimed, shaking their head and got up, shoving the books into a bag, slinging it on the shoulder and passed their mother by the door, avoiding looking at their mother.

The mother watched as the teenager ran towards the house door, on the way snatching two bentos and shouting "I'm going!" Then left.

The mother chuckled, "Tsu-chan is really energetic!"


Arriving to school, 'Tsu-chan' first went to the disciplinary room in order to greet the school prefect, upon reaching the door, Tsu-chan knocked on the door gently then entered, not waiting for any reply from inside the room.

"Good morning, Kyouya," the teen greeted some other teenager who was sitting in the office, signing some paperwork.

Hibari Kyouya glanced up at the intruder and grunted, "Omnivore," the returned his gaze to the paper.

Grinning at their childhood friend, Tsu-chan walked and set down a purple napkin cover bento, "How has your morning been so far?"


The grin didn't falter but turned into a soft smile instead, gazing softly at the prefect, "Is that so..."

The said prefect glanced up once more at the tone of the other teen, "I take it yours hasn't been so good?"

Tsu-chan's smile and fell into a grimace, "Okaa-san told me that my father is sending me a tutor and I have a bad feeling about this."

The discipline chairman scowled, "Your father?"

Sighing, "Yeah..."

"And the bad feeling?"

"It feels like something is gonna change when the tutor arrives... Something dangerous..." Tsu-chan mumbled, but Kyouya still heard it due to the quiet room.

"Omnivore," Kyouya called out, "You are to inform me about this tutor the moment they arrive."

Tsu-chan nodded, "Of course."

Grunting, the prefect returned to signing his paperwork, "Don't be late to your class."

"Hai," the other chuckled at the demon prefect, turning around to leave, they said, "I'll see you in lunch break, Kyouya~"

A click, indicating the door closed, sounded, bringing silence with it.


Reborn didn't know what to feel about this assignment, but nonetheless, he will achieve what Nono asked him of.

The hit-man kept watch over the Sawada residence, watch and listening to what's happening inside.

He saw the mother of the candidate, Sawada Nana, a middle aged woman who still looks quite young, her cheerful attitude, and her bright eyes shining with affection for her child. The women had brown, chestnut colored hair, styles into a bob haircut, and a pair of wide brown eyes.

Those feature seemed to have also been inherited by her son too, the said teen having short gravity defying brown hair, wide chocolate brown eyes. If it wasn't stated that the teen was a male, Reborn would have thought that the child was actually female, his features are quite feminine, especially his body.

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