Chapter 39: Meeting grounds

Start from the beginning

Caerwyn lead her father through Loth Lorien to the villa that the royal family of Mirkwood had taken up residence in.

Legolas sat on the veranda fixing some arrows as Gimli sat smoking a pipe.

They both stood as Caerwyn and Aragorn approached. Legolas raced forward, clasping hands with Aragorn, "My friend it is good to see you again. "
Legolas turned towards Caerwyn his face turning serious , " Ada is in the study. "

Caerwyn nodded and silently led her father into the villa. Entering the study, Caerwyn saw Thranduil hard at work bent over the desk, his back to her. Normally she would walk up behind him, wrap her arms around him and kiss him. But she imagined that might give her father a heart attack.
So she cleared her throat , Thranduil turned to her ,a bright smile on his face and greeting stopped dead when his eyes landed on Aragorn. "Ah. So we are doing this now?"

Caerwyn nodded mutely and Thranduil led them over to the small seating area.
Thranduil and Caerwyn sat next to each other on a worn seatee as Aragorn took an armchair. He looked back and forth between Caerwyn and Thranduil.
"Well, are you going to explain this all to me?"

Caerwyn took a deep calming breath. "Father, Thranduil and I are married."

"WHAAAATTTT?!?!!" Aragorn loudly exclaimed, anger flashing across his disposition.

"Please , Father, let me explain."

Fire brimmed in Aragorns eyes, his hand rested on the hilt of his sword. "When?" Was all he asked.

"Almost twenty eight hundred years ago. "

And Caerwyn launched into her tale.

By the end the fire had died in Aragorn's eyes replaced by a softness. He sat in silence for a moment, his mind absorbing everything. And then he did the unexpected, he burst out in laughter, little tears forming in the corner of his eyes.

Thranduil looked back and forth between Caerwyn and Aragorn perplexed, hoping Caerwyn might explain this bizarre mortal behavior. Caerwyn simply shrugged in confusion.

Aragorn wiped at his eyes. "Excuse me, I was just realizing how much grief I can give my grandson Legolas."

Thranduil raised an eyebrow and Caerwyn couldn't help but chuckle, "Really, Father, That is what you focus on in that entire tale."

Aragorn shrugged "I already knew you had powerful magic, and a few years ago with what little magic your mother has left she had a vision of your fate being tied to that of the Elvenking, I should have guessed you would end up married to him. "

"So you are...okay...with this, with us."

A wicked grin spread across Aragorn's face. Thranduil couldn't suppress a shudder, he had seen that same grin on Caerwyn's on many occasions.

"Yes." Aragorn simply stated , "I'm okay with this because I'm sure the Elvenking is well aware that if he should hurt my daughter in any way. That the full might of the Men of the West will fall on his head."

"FATHER!!" Caerwyn exclaimed in embarrassment.

Aragorn tapped the dimple in Caerwyn's chin that matched his own, "You cannot fault a father for wanting to protect his daughter."

"Yes, you can ,when you are talking about wageing war on my home."

Aragorn raised an eyebrow. "Your home? So have you completely abandoned Gondor?"

"No, I have not, Gondor and her people will always have a place in my heart but my home in now wherever Thranduil is. When I married him, his side became my home."

Thranduil squeezed Caerwyn's hand adoration shinning in his eyes.

Aragorn did not fail to notice the motion. Sighing he stood, that was it, his beloved daughter was married and he was not even there to give her away.
He adjusted his crown, turning towards the door he said to Caerwyn, "Come walk with me for a bit daughter."

Caerwyn laid a kiss on top of Thranduil's head and silently followed her father out of the villa.

They walked through Lothlorian in silence. Caerwyn could tell that there was much on her father's mind but knew better than to ask him about it until after he could think it over a pipe of Old Toby. Often in her younger days would she take silent walks with her father around Minas Tirith.

One fond memory of her childhood was being unable to sleep and wandering to her father's study he was still up working over much. He took her by the hand and they walked through Minas Tirith in the moonlight. The world was silent, colored blue, as the city slept. It was as if they walked in a world of their own. Caerwyn and her father.

So lost in this memory was Caerwyn, that she almost did not see Odger step out from behind a tree.

Caerwyn and Aragorn came to a quick halt as Odger stepped into their path.
The pudgy greasy man bowed low. "Your Majesty, if I might borrow a moment of the General's time."

Aragorn smirked, he knew of Odger's previous proposal attempts. "Oh yes of course, I believe I have some business with Spymaster Idwal."

Caerwyn inwardly groaned as her father walked away. The instant he had rounded a bend in the trail, Odger had clasped Caerwyn's hands in his sweaty palms.

"Caerwyn, you have grown more beautiful since I have last laid eyes on you, though that might be the absence of that horrid silver mask."

Caerwyn raised an eyebrow, usually she would have wrenched her hands out of Odger's by now and stormed off but her immortal ears could hear who was coming down the trail behind her. And she was in desperate need of some amusement.

Odger took this as a sign to continue. "Caerwyn, I am a man of great means and you have title and renown. If you were to agree to marry me and become my wife there would be no end to what I could accomplish."

Caerwyn worked hard to keep her face neutral, " I'm sorry Odger but I can't be your wife."

"Why ever not Caerwyn?"

A low growl sounded from behind them as Thranduil's voice boomed, "Because she is MY wife and you WILL address her as such."

Odger starred at Thranduil as he stepped into view, his jaw hanging open giving a spectacular view of his rotting teeth.

Thranduil pulled Odger's hands off of Caerwyn and grabbed him by the collar, lifting him from the ground as if he were nothing more than a brittle autumn leaf. " Tell me, mortal , why I should not kill you now for disrespecting the Elvenqueen. "

Odger's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. A foul smell hit Caerwyn's nose, the man had soiled himself.

Thranduil was about to speak again when a deep brass horn sounded in the distance. Caerwyn and Thranduil looked at each other in surprise.

The Dwarves had come.

A/N: Hello my beautiful readers. Sorry for making you wait so long for this chapter. It ended up a bit longer because there is alot I wanted to put into it. I really wanted to show the father daughter relationship between Aragorn and Caerwyn. I always imagined Aragorn to be a doting and loving father.

Also I realized that I never really have given a pronunciation guide for Caerwyn and Idwal.

So in my mind Caerwyn is pronounced Kay-Er-When
So when she is called Cae it's pronounced Kay

And Idwal is Id ( as in Idiot not Idea) -Wall

Anyway enjoy this week's chapter and a reminder that next week there will be no Blessed by the Stars chapter but I will post a chapter in Middle Earth Medleys. I'm going to do a cute ThanWyn Christmas special so I hope you guys enjoy that.

As Always you readers are the best. I love you guys!

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