Chapter 11: Battle For the Button

Start from the beginning


Tennis Ball rolled off Grassy. "It's good to see you, Grassy," he said.

"I agree!"

TB turned to TV. "TV, can you-" But he stopped, as TV was flashing a warning on his screen. Incoming contestants, it read. "Huh?" TB turned to see Gaty and Flower walking towards them. Lollipop emerged from a rock that she must have been watching behind. Finally, Puffball lowered herself down from the sky.

Tennis Ball, TV, Grassy, and Eggy huddled together and faced Flower, Lollipop, Gaty, and Puffball from a distance. Nobody moved. Finally, Lollipop spoke up. "Looks like the gang's all here," she said sarcastically.

"That's not true," TV replied in a mishmash of voices from previous episodes. "There's still-"

"That doesn't matter," TB interrupted nervously. "What do you guys want?

"Well, every other biome is now uninhabitable," Gaty said. "The only place left to go is here in the mountains." TB looked past Gaty and saw that she was right. The desert and snowy hills were being plagued by their respective storms. Lightning was striking every tree in the jungle. The normal forest was somehow on fire. And the other two biomes - the ones that once contained water, icebergs, and floating patches of earth - were simply gone. There was nothing but void left there.

Suddenly, Flower spotted what Grassy was holding. "Wait..." she spoke, her voice trembling slightly. "Is that... the button Four used in episode 5?"

"You bet it is!" Grassy brandished it and stepped forward. The others took (or floated) a step back. "And Grassy's not afraid to use it!" To demonstrate, he pointed the button at Puffball and pressed it. A large buzz sounded, and a laser hit Puffball, turning her red and deleting her from reality. A cannon shot fired and Gaty fell over in fright.

"If you guys don't leave us alone, I'll- oops!" Grassy took another step and, not looking where he was going, tripped over a rock. He dropped the button and it clattered away, settling down a few feet in front of him.

Everybody froze. Then chaos ensued as several people rushed to the button. Lollipop reached it first and managed to zap Eggy with it, but Flower grabbed her stick and she dropped the button, which skittered away and stopped on the edge of the crater. Flower flung Lollipop by her stick with all her might and hit Tennis Ball in the side of his head. Stunned, TB fell over and Flower let go of Lollipop, the candy's momentum carrying her away into the volcano.

Gaty and TV rushed for the button at the same time but bonked heads. While they were dazed, Flower ran over and grabbed the button, holding it in the air triumphantly. "Haha!" But Grassy jumped at her. She fumbled with the button and accidentally pressed the base of it, wrapping white bandages around Grassy. However, his momentum carried him forward, and he hit Flower's face. She staggered backwards from the force and bumped into Gaty and TV, sending them all - button included - tumbling down into the lava below. A moment later, six cannon shots in a row echoed overhead.

TB sat up, still alive but very confused. He looked around. "...what just happened?"


The moon was rising. After sitting in darkness for a few minutes, unsure what to do, Tennis Ball decided to climb down the mountains to see if he could find anyone else. He was halfway down the volcano (the flowing lava had hardened a while ago) when he tripped on something. Luckily, he was on a pretty flat spot; otherwise he would have rolled away into the void at the base of the mountain.

He stood up and looked to see what he had tripped on. "No way," he gasped. "Rocky?"

Rocky barfed on TB to assure him that he was, in fact, Rocky, and not some other sentient rock.

TB shook the barf off his face. "I guess it's just us now, eh?" Then he looked down at the void and got an idea. He felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. "Oh, man..." He looked back at Rocky. "I don't want to do this, but..." Rocky just stared back innocently. Tennis Ball screwed his eyes shut and kicked Rocky down the mountain, then immediately regretted it, as his foot throbbed from the pain.

But the deed was done. Rocky bounced off the slope once, twice, then he vanished into the void. The usual cannon shot blasted somewhere overhead.

Tennis Ball waited for something to happen, but nothing did. "Uhhh... hello? Four? Have I won?" The clouds overhead slowly formed to spell one large word: NO.

"Well then, who's left?"

A voice spoke behind TB. "Maybe you should turn around and look."

If Tennis Ball had hair on the back of his neck (or a neck), it would have stuck straight up in fright. He whirled around just in time to see Ruby shove him off the ledge. He rolled down the mountain and fell into the void, screaming the whole way. One final cannon shot cut off his voice, then silence settled upon the mountain.

Ruby looked up at the sky expectantly. Nothing happened for a moment. Then Four's voice rang out. "Congratulations, Ruby! You've won! here is your prize for surviving 64 other people..."

Something twinkled in the sky. Then, something started to slowly float down from the sky. Something magical, legendary, and amazing. The B.F.D.I.

Ruby held her hands out to catch it, and the moment it touched her fingers, everything went white, blinding her. When she opened her eyes again, she was back in the plains next to the golden forest. The arena was nowhere to be seen, and neither were Four or X, but all around her, the other former contestants (now including PDA) were groaning and waking up. Looks like their deaths hadn't been permanent.

Ruby looked down. The B.F.D.I was still in her hands. She smiled and hugged it, then ran over to find Flower and Bubble to tell them the great news.

She had won!

yay for Ruby :)

thanks for reading this, I enjoyed writing it (back in May lol) and as I said in the info chapter, it's one of the reasons I got onto Wattpad

uh I don't really know how to end this so thanks again and bye lol

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