Chapter 11 - Present Day

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One year later - Present day

We sat in silence waiting for Alex to return, we were all on our feet, ready to run if we were out-numbered. Ross stood on my left, his fingers laced with mine and his eyes glare on the main door. Chris was on my right, also eyeing the door with caution, just in case it was not Alex who opened it.

Suddenly our ears perked up in unison as fast footsteps made their way into the room, it was Alex.

"How many?" Chris asked, his head lowered ready to attack. "Four warriors, one Alpha, we should make a run for it." Alex answered and we all nodded, hearing the deep howl of the Alpha already on its way.

We started running, all of us straight out of the back door and towards the mountains on the other side of the city. Alex made the right decision, if we were to strive for peace slaughtering an Alpha would not be appropriate.

"THEY ARE AFTER US, SPLIT UP!" Ross barked through the air and we did as we were told. Chris took right, Ross took left, Alex took centre right and I took centre left. They couldn't follow all of us.

My legs pounding against the forest earth as I darted through the air, the mountains were right in my line of sight.

Suddenly I felt Alex accidently slam into my side and we both flew into some oak wood trees amidst the dark woods.

"Are you alright?" Alex whispered and I nodded, but as soon as we both stood we heard growling in make it's way towards us.

There was no use in running now, we had to fight.

"They've got us." I telepathically sent to Ross and I knew he was on his way. He might not get here fast enough though.

Three large wolves emerged from the dark hedges and snarled in our direction. Alex looked at me with a smirk, he always enjoyed a fight he knew he could win.

I grinned back and released my fangs, as did he. We glared back at the wolves and hissed, daring them to make the first move.

One of them pounced forward at me but I caught it mid jump and bit its head off. The other two had gone for Alex but in no time he had ripped out their hearts.

Unfortunately, wolves never travelled alone, five more followed, one being the Alpha back at the house.

I felt warm arms encircle my waist and a low hiss fired at the Alpha, it was Ross. His eyes were burning blue and his fangs were prominent, giving off his dominance.

The Alpha morphed back into his human form and held his right hand up in a halt. His pack of mutts morphed at his command, and we retracted our fangs.

"Now now, vamps. Let's not make this any harder." The Alpha taunted but we didn't back down. We'd never back down to these over-sized pets.

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