Chapter 1 Big news

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Rosie's P.O.V

"Shit" I said after I had a look at my pregnancy test. It shows blue; baby blue.
Okay... What to do? Should I tell it Marco? Or maybe Courtney and Molly (my best friends)? No! I need a solid proof!

"Rosie? Hurry up! I need my lucky bra for my interview!"
This were my two roommates I took the stick (for showing it Marco), flushed the toilet and opened the door.
"Two seconds. That's all I wanted!" I said pretty frustrated and went out. As soon as I went through my open mouthed roommates Courtney and Molly I changed into a grey strapless top and went outside.

I took my way to the pharmacy. Which wasn't far away. At the pharmacy there was a young woman in a white coat.
"Hello! How can I help you?" She asked very friendly.
"Hello! Um... Well" I stuttered.
"Condoms are over there!" The woman said again being very friendly and pointed at a white shelf next to me.
"Umm... Too late..." I said getting a little red in my face.
"Oh!" The lady understood me and gave me a pregnancy test. I gave her the money and went back to home.

After I tried it again (now taking blood instead of pee) it showed the blue for a baby again.

Okay, now it's proofed! In any case. In half an hour I have to be at the truck... Should I go now to Marco and tell him what happened or should I tell it to him after work...?
I decided to go to him before work.
As I arrived at Marco's food truck 'The Big Pig', he already saw me, went to me and hugged me. I accepted the hug but as he saw that I wasn't that happy he asked what happened. So I got him to the tree in front of his food truck and told him that I am pregnant.
"Well, ehm... Okay... Are you sure you took the test right?" He asked pretty shocked.
"You pee on a stick, it's idiot proof! And I took two, so..." I answered and showed him the stick I brought with me.
"No, I know... But it was just one time! So what do you want to do?" Marco asked.
"I don't know! What do you wanna do?!"
"But...! C'mon! I just found out! Okay? You are the girl don't you have to decide?"
I was kinda shocked! This is what he thinks about pregnancy?!
"Great, great. So it's all on me?!" I asked him.
"No, I, I didn't mean...
Shit! Should we get married?"
"'Shit should we get married'?! Yeah!" I said in irony.
He didn't realize that the answer was ironic and looked at me with a pretty stupid but also cute face. But than he realized that my answer wasn't real.
"No, I'm sorry, Rosie. I'm just trying to find the right way! I didn't mean to-"
"Than don't ask the wrong questions! I... Just ehm... Forget that I said anything! Just forget, I'll figure it out.-" I interrupted him, stood up and went slowly to my car.
"No!!" he nearly screamed. He stood up and tried to stop me... So cute of him.
"It's not a problem! I have to go to the truck anyway." I said turned off and went to my car which stood next to Marco's food truck.
Arrived at my food truck I went in and started with my work. My coworker, Amber, also found out that I wasn't in mood.
So I saved her the question that was in her mouth and told her that I'm pregnant.
"What?! Wow! Congrats! Did you tell Marco?" She asked kinda happy for me.
"Yes, I did. But all these wrong and silly questions..." I answered her sad and turned off to the cheese I just wanted to put on one of these parninies which were in front of me.
It was 5 pm as I closed the door of the truck and gave Amber the signal that she can drive away.
I went to my car and wanted to get in but than Marco appeared behind me.
"I will never forget" he said and smiled.
"Hey." I said shy but also happy to see him.
"Work ended and I wanted to go home. Do you wanna come with me?" I asked. He took his hands on my waist and kissed me. "Sure! Let me drive your car." Marco said, opened me the passenger door and I got in.
As we arrived at the apartment (my roommates and me are sharing) Courtney and Molly were watching the 'Lose it and Weep' show.
"Hey! Er, Marco this is Courtney and Molly."
"Hey, nice to meet you!" He said friendly.
"I thought you said cute Marco, not hot Marco!" Molly said instead of saying 'hello' to Marco.
"Well done, Rosie, well done!" Courtney said.
"You said that I'm cute?" Marco asked me. I didn't answered his question and lead us into my room. In this room was a big bed, a blue shelf and two windows (side by side).
I told him that he could put his things next to the shelf. After we put of our shoes we went to the kitchen and ate the food we brought with us.
"Well... I decided to do an appointment at the doctors tomorrow! Do you wanna come with me?" I told him while cleaning the plates we have used.
"Yes, of course!" Marco answered my question. He stood up, walked over to me and kissed my cheek.
"Ouch!" I nearly screamed, because some soap got into my burn on my right arm.
"What's wrong?" He asked carefully, thinking it was his fault.
"Nothing. Some soap just got into my burn, you know..." I answered him, gave him a kiss, took his soft hand and lead us to my room. There we changed into our pajamas (I gave Marco comfortable clothes which Courtney's or Molly's boyfriend left) and jumped at my bed. But before going to sleep I went to the bathroom and threw my clothes into the dirty clothes basket. While throwing them into the basket I felt something in the jeans pocket and found the pregnancy test... I thought about keeping it in a box or something like that, but than I decided to put it into the dustbin.
In the morning Marco woke up pretty early.
After 2 hours he tried to wake me up.
"Rosie, wake up. I have made breakfast for you" He whispered with his cute voice.
"No..." I mumbled.
Marco took the blanket, we used, off of me and tickled my belly.
"Yes, I am awake!" I said tired and giggled because I am very ticklish.

After I had a yummy breakfast I called a doctor to make an appointment. The doctor said that I can have one at 1 pm.
"Marco, I have an appointment at 1 pm!" I told Marco.
"And it's 11:30 am, isn't it?"
"Yes, we gonna leave in 45 minutes, ok?" I answered giving a question back.
At 12:15 pm we went to the car. Marco opened me the door and I got in. We drove 20 minutes to the hospital and as we came in we only had to wait 10 more minutes.
"Rosie Brennan?" A young man said. This was the doctor. We stood up and followed the doctor to room number 6.
"Hello, my name is Mr. Daxtel" The young doctor said and shook our hands.
"You are here because you are pregnant, right?" He asked and had a look at his clipboard.
"Yes that's correct" I answered his question shy.
"Do you know some signs of pregnancy?"
"Yesterday I haven't felt that nice..." I said slowly, because I wasn't sure if this is a sign.
"Ah, yes! Nausea! Normal for a pregnancy. So first please let me make an ultrasound. Lie down at this couch there" *he pointed at the couch* "and pull up your T-shirt." Mr. Daxtel said.
I did how he told me.
"Attention, it's getting cold" He said while putting a cold gel on my stomach. Than he took the ultrasound scanner and went slowly over my stomach. At the computer in front of us we saw a little something.
"Okay... This looks great. The little thing you can see is the embryo which is growing up to your baby. After this appointment I gonna print some pictures for you" He informed us.
"So." Mr. Daxtel began and looked up to Marco. "You're the dad of this child, right?"
"Yes, I am" Marco said a little proud of himself.
"You have to keep an eye on Ms. Brennan. While she is pregnant she really needs your help. Let her sleep as much as possible. And make sure that she eats enough; because she eats for two people now. She isn't allowed to do anything strenuous like carrying something heavy somewhere." He explained Marco.
Marco listened very carefully and always said "yes, sir" or "I'll do this sir!"
He was so cute.
At the end of the appointment the doctor gave me some tips what I could eat that the baby grows up faster (like vitamins).
We made the next appointment in one month and Mr. Daxtel brought us back to the waiting room.
"See you in one month! And if you have any problems, you can call us whenever you want." The doctor said.
"Okay, thank you very much!" Marco replied and we went out of the hospital.
On the way we drove back to home we passed a baby shop. I asked Marco for going in there. As we went in we saw two or three women with an already big belly, an a little bit chubby woman and a blonde woman. Something happened there; a the blonde woman who wore a pink dress looked down to a broken phone and the little chubby woman said "Wendy, this was actually mine..."

The pink dressed woman named Wendy realized that we entered, went over the phone and welcomed us. I told her that I'm pregnant and asked for a book that could be helpfully.
"Okay... There's a book I have ridden too... It is very helpful..." Wendy said while searching this special book.
"There it is! 'What to expect when you're expecting' it's about what could happen or how your belly must look like when you're (for example) in the fourth week and so on." Wendy told us.
"It sounds great! We gonna take it, right baby?" I said to Marco.
"Yeah! In any case!" He agreed with me.
"Alright, that's it?"
"Yes, it is! How much is it?"
"11$ please."
I gave Wendy the money and Marco and I went out of the shop.


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