Chapter 5 Rosie's Birthday

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Rosie's P.O.V

I heard Marco standing up and walking quietly to the bathroom.
I opened my eyes a bit and saw the sunrise in our window.
'It must be around 7 am. Why is Marco standing up so early in the last few days?' I thought myself and closed my eyes.
I tried to fall asleep again. But I couldn't... So I also stood up and made my way downstairs.
There, in our kitchen at the table, sat Marco eating a toast and checking some mails or something.
"Morning..." I said. I just realized that my voice was very hoarse.
"Morning, Sweetie!" Marco said.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah... I'm just tired." I answered, still hoarse.
I walked over to Marco and sat down next to him. I leaned my head at his shoulder. I was still extremely tired. But I didn't understand why because normally when I wake up, I'm awake and not sleepy anymore.
Also I felt crappy. My throat hurt as I drank some orange juice. And I head a little headache. I decided that I wouldn't go to work because I wanted to be fit for my birthday.
Marco was already gone to work and I decided to go to bed and try sleeping again.

Marco's P.O.V

Today is August 19th and tomorrow's gonna be Rosie's birthday.

Since I had a great idea as a present for Rosie I worked harder. I found a second job in which I'm helping to get the food out of the tracks and carry them to the belonging supermarket. That's why I wake up so early; in the morning I'm doing the supermarket stuff and in the noon I'm working in my track.

It was 12:30 pm as I arrived at my food track. I saw Jack already starting to build up the tables and chairs.
"Hey Jack" I said and we high-fived.
"Hey Marco! Why so late? I thought you wanted to be there at 11:45 am?" Jack asked.
"Yeah I'm sorry but there was a problem-" I replied.
"Ah I know your second job... Why are you working so hard in the lat few days? Do ya need money?" Jack asked and put a tablecloth at one of the small tables.
"Yeah. Tomorrow is Rosie's birthday and I have a thinking of a present for her... By the way, I need your help; You're traveling much, aren't you?" I asked him.
"Yes, I do. What's that you're thinking of?"
"Well, on Monday, as we moved in our house and we were packing out all stuff, I was in our bedroom and packed out a box of Rosie. I put out a view books and saw a piece of paper falling out of one.
I read it... I know I shouldn't do it but-"
"But what? What was on it?" He asked.
"It was a bucket list. You know... Those lists where you write down what you really want to do before you die. She wrote 'having a child' and already made a check at it... And there was also 'standing in front of the Eiffel Tower'.
So I was about to give her a ticket to fly with me to Paris. I already booked the flights but didn't found a hotel!" I explained to Jack and turned on the stove.
"Oh that's a nice idea. I was once in Paris and in a wonderful hotel called 'Hôtel Gros Caillou' and was very close to the Eiffel Tower. And it wasn't that expensive." He told me.
I was more enthusiastic about that hotel as Jack showed me some pics of that hotel.

7 pm

My coworker and me just made our food track ready to go. Jack got in the track and drove it away.
I just wanted to got on my bike as my phone buzzed. It was a message of Rosie:

Hey babe! I hope you come home soon. I'm not feeling very well that's why I'm gonna sleep now... Love ya xxx

It wasn't that nice, that Rosie wasn't feeling well... But I thought it just were those changeable health things that you have in the pregnancy time...
"I texted her back that I would be home in about half an hour. But I didn't get anything back. I thought she's already sleeping.

I went to a flower shop and bought a big bunch of dark red roses.
Then I went home and booked our hotel. I printed our flight tickets and so on out and put them in a beautiful envelope.
The bunch of roses where in a gigantic beautiful vase.
After all that I had a quick toast and went upstairs to our bedroom.
I saw Rosie sleeping peacefully. She was too cute when she sleeps. I can't believe that she's my girl. My sweet girlfriend.

Rosie's P.O.V

*in the morning*

Today is my 20th birthday. It was late in the morning. I opened my eyes and had a look at my alarm clock. It was 11 am. I had a look at my right side. It was empty as it was the last 6 days...
I stood up and made my way downstairs. I haven't felt nice. But better then yesterday. Maybe yesterday was just something with my pregnancy...
As I arrived downstairs I saw Marco standing at the cooker and doing some pen cakes. The table was beautifully set. And in the middle of the table was a big beautiful bunch of dark red roses in my favorite vase.
Marco turned around and realized me.
"Rosie! Happy birthday, honey!" He walked over to me.
"Oh tank you Marco! Are these for me?" I pointed at the roses.
"Everything for you." Marco said and gave me a kiss.
As I sat at the table I realized something white in the roses. I had a look at it and put it out. It was a white envelope. Marco saw that I had it in my hands and sat next to me.
"Open it. It's for you" Marco told me.
I opened it and saw some pieces of paper. I put them out and couldn't believe what was standing there!
"Oh my god! Thank you Marco!! Aww that's a really good present." I nearly screamed.
I hugged him really hard and he gave me a kiss.
"Really? I thought you would like it." He smirked.
"Yeah I love it! So when does it start?" I asked.
"In two weeks on Saturday at September 12th." Marco told me.
"Okay! Thank you so much Marco!" I said and hugged him again.
The phone rang and I had to get out of the hug. It were my parents. They wished me many happy returns for that day and so on...
As I finished our telephone call Marco and I had breakfast.
It was very yummy. His pen cakes are a specialty.

It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon as the door bell rang. I opened the door and was surprised; it was my sister Bella.
"Heyy! Rosie lil sis!" She said and hugged me really hard.
"Oh... Hey Bella!" I said and accepted her hug.
I let her in and introduced Marco to her.
"Hey, Marco! Nice to meet you" Bella said and also hugged Marco. 'She is a lovely person who loves warm hugs' I remembered...
Bella also bought me a big bunch of flowers. They were really beautiful. She also gave me a wonderful smelling perfume.
"Oh thank you sis! Aww, I missed you so much!" I aid and hugged Bella. "So how's your pregnancy going on?"
"Well were found fine! How about you?" Bella replied.
"Sane here! We're both really excited." I said and took Marco's hand.
We talked for about 2 hours. And as it was 5:15 in the afternoon, Bella had to go...
Marco and I, we decided to watch a movie called 'Julie and Juliette'.
My day was perfect! I think this was the best birthday ever.

Heyy, so I kinda didn't like this chapter😂 but I a friend of mine read it and said it was great... So I would be really happy of u leave some positive or negative comments❤️
Well I realized that the pregnancy of Rosie only gets 1 week more in each chapter 😂 so ill do some more and more time 'jumps'...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2015 ⏰

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