Chapter 3

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(Rosie is 6 weeks pregnant now)

Marco's P.O.V

I got out off the car and opened Rosie the door so that she could get out. We stood in front of the hospital and in 10 minutes is Rosie's appointment. We went in and waited in the waiting room.
I don't know why but always when we're sitting in this room my heart beats faster...
As Rosie got called we followed the nurse and waited in the next room she laid us in.
After 2 minutes finally the doctor Mr. Daxtel came in.
"Good afternoon!" He said and shook our hands.
"So... How are you feeling, miss Brennan?" He asked.
"I'm fine! Everything is good." Rosie answered.
"Alright. We gonna do a fast ultrasound..." The young man said.
Rosie already knew what she has to do.
As the ultrasound scanner was over her stomach we saw our little growing child at the computer's display.
"As I thought... Everything is perfect! The baby is growing good. So... I'll see you in a month?" Doctor Daxtel noticed everything and fast printed some pics of the ultrasound.
"Yes, we'll come!" I said.

We went out the room, made an appointment with the nurse and got back to the car.
On the drive back home it was a long silence. Rosie looked a little thoughtful.
"What are you thinking about, babe?" I asked her.
"What did you say?" She asked, kind of waking up to reality.
"You look a little thoughtful and I asked what you were thinking about." I explained to her.
"Uhm... Well... I haven't told my parents about it... And I'm thinking about that it's getting time to tell it to them... You know... The pregnancy!" She told me.
"So do you wanna visit them?" I parked the car in front of her apartment.
"Yes, I would love to... I haven't seen my parents for a while!" She replied.
"Okay, so let's get in, there we can eat something and then we drive to your parents'." I suggested and we got out.
As we ate we said that we would go to my parents' too. Luckily we had to drive 30 minutes to Rosie's parents.
We informed fast them and got in the car.
As we arrived at Mr and Mrs Brennan's house they welcomed us very big.

Rosie's P.O.V

As soon as I saw mom and dad I was really happy to see them. but I was also pretty nervous.
"Hi! Rosie my girl!" My mom welcomed me. She gave me a few kisses and hugged me.
"Hey mom! Hi dad! I'm so happy to see you" I hugged both and then I introduced Marco to my parents.
"Hello, Mr and Mrs Brennan. I'm Marco Byrd" Marco said shy and shook their hands.
"I'm Rosie's mom, Cathrin." Mom introduced her self.
"And I'm James. Nice to meet you" Dad said.

We got in and sat down. Mom has made one of her delicious cakes and made some tea.
"How are you? Is there anything new from family?" I asked to start a conversation.
"We're fine. We just ended a call with your sister as you called." my dad told us.
"Oh, what did she want?" I asked.
"Well... Bella told us that... She's pregnant! We were so happy for her. Can you imagine that we're going to be grandparents soon?" My mom told me with an excited voice.
"Oh that's nice! In which month is she?" I asked, getting nervous.
"She's in her second 7th week. but didn't she tell it to you?" Mom gave us all a big piece of cake.
"No, she didn't... Well Marco and I wanted to tell you something..." I started slowly. I felt how Marco's hand grabbing mine.
"*laughing* and now you tell us that you're also pregnant *laughing* just kidding, sweetheart! So what's the matter?" My dad asked and took a big gulp of his tea.
"Well actually... Yes... I'm also pregnant..." I felt how my face was getting red.
"Really? Rosie, you're also pregnant? Congratulations!! In which month are you? Do you have an apartment? Marco is the dad, isn't he?" Mom kinda freaked out of happiness.
I can't answer her so Marco did.
"Yeah, she is pregnant. She's in her 6th week. we already found a little house but we had to renovate it. Now there only misses the furniture stuff... and yes, I'm the father!" Marco replied all her questions. And I know how proud Marco is of hisself right now.
I was very, very relieved that my parents were reacting so relaxed.
We talked 1 more hour. But then we had to go because we also had to tell it Marco's parents.
Mom and dad said a very big 'good bye'. And I had to promise them that I will inform them all about the baby.

As we were in the car we called Marco's parents again. But they didn't go to the phone. So we drove to their house but they weren't there. We were surprised because we had announced that we would come...
"It doesn't matter! I think they would react as your parents because my sister also got pregnant and they were super happy!" Marco relieved me.
"Well it's 4 pm now... should we get to the furniture store? We still need a kitchen table and stools." I suggested.
"Yeah that's a good idea! So when do you plan to move in?" Marco asked.
"Well on Monday I don't have to go to work... So Monday would be perfect!" I told him.
"In two days... We gonna get this! Tomorrow we could start pack all stuff and I'll call my friend who has a track which is perfect to move." Marco turned the car right and parked in front of a big building.
We entered the store and made our way to the kitchen section.
I saw a table which was like I wanted it. It's out of brown wood and has metal legs. It had the perfect size. We took this and also found stools which fit with the table.

* at home*

We put the table and the stools into the cellar (there already stood two carpets and so on...).
Then we went upstairs into my room. Marco turned on the his computer and checked his mails. And I went to the bathroom to have a quick shower.
As I came out of the shower I heard that Marco just ended a phone call.
"Who was that?"
"It was my mom. I told her that we're pregnant and she acted exactly like your parents. So everything is good and we can focus on our move" Marco said.
I jumped onto the bed and gave him a passionate kiss.
"Okay." I mumbled.
"Good night"
"Good night"
As soon as the lamp got turned off I fell into a deep sleep.

Hey!! I'm so so sorry that this chapter came so late!! I was very busy and always tried to write a chapter in the evening. I have written about three but they were all horrible and I couldn't understand them. Also I couldn't imagine a name for this chapter; that's why it's only called 'chapter 3'😬😕
So here is the third chapter! It's the best I've written.
I promise that the next chapter will come as soon as possible!
I love you guys and I hope you like this chapter💕

And then you came into my lifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora