Devastating Smile

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" Ten.."

" Humm..?"

" Do you think Jaehyun is a gay?"

" Who... Oh... It's said that he is. Ammm.. wait.."

Ten took his phone and start scrolling through Instagram using his private account. He really likes lurking around social media . Not that I don't lurk around Twitter. Well...

" Huh.. look at them pictures dayum.."

I peeked into Tens phone and my jaw dropped after seeing the photographs Jaehyun hyung took.
They were extremely luscious .

" Oh my Gawd. . Just look at them Taeyong hyung . How much I wish to do a nude photoshoot with Jaehyun hyung. "

I start coughing hearing what he said. Naked photoshoot with Jaehyun hyung. I hope not.

I slapped his arm playfully ,
" You hoe... What else do you want to do huh ?"

" Who knows? Perhaps I'll get laid it vice versa"

I knew he was joking after he start laughing. Yet I felt weird.

" You should have XXX with your fatass instead."

Hearing that , Tens face lightened up. A mischievous smile formed on his face.

" Good idea. I'm bore. Lemme just annoy Oh Daddy.."

I facepalmed again. Why is he like this ?
Knowing Ten would be late to come back cause once he start talking with Youngho , he forgets the time.

I pulled the blanket upto my shoulders. I need to sleep. Yet I was thinking about the sexy old photographer .  The thing is , I shouldn't think about him  at all . Cause I am not allowed to . Thinking about him, gives me butterflies . Kind of happiness i can't feel. Cause I'm an idol. I don't have the right to feel happiness unless it's for my fans. I'm not allowed to get flooded by my emotions cause mt emotions belongs to public. They aren't mine anymore since I'm a public figure , my life isn't mine anymore. Still I'm a human too. I can make mistakes as I did way before i was a public figure. Yet I'm always dragged down along with my group for my childhood mistake. I can't afford doing another mistake . No chance ....


Taeyong fell asleep with thin water line running from his eyes hugging the side pillow real tight as if his life depends on it. 

True that , being an idol gives you so many things that everyone wants. But what the fame takes is freedom , peace and happiness. Last piece of sanity left inside a person. 

" Why do people hate him so much ? It's like he is everyones personal punch bag . Like one didn't have a good lunch , they goes on social media and spread shit about him. Had bad fuck other night , blames Taeyong for that .. It's ridiculous. "

" Aren't you thinking a lot about that pretty boy? Jaehyun you know that you can't get into idols business. Take masterpiece pictures  and post them. That's all you are allowed to do. Nothing more man. It's risky."

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