Chapter 1: Fallen Trust

Start from the beginning

"Ooooooh, look at it's pretty wings, I want them hung up over my fireplace."

You were in Hell, Eve sent you to Hell, these were demons, and they were going to kill you.

You spread open your wings and took to the air, wanting to get as far away from them as possible. A gunshot rang out, hitting your left wing, you tried to continue, but crashed to the ground instead. Red blood dripped from a hole in your body, dripping down to the ground.

You pricked up at the sound of a carnival, children laughing and music playing, you followed it, hoping even these demons had some humanity and wouldn't try to shoot at you with kids around.

"Loo Loo Land." You read the words out loud, quickly rushing inside after hearing a car pull into the parking lot.

You ducked behind a stand just as the demons came running into the park. You covered your mouth, hoping to hide your breathing, you dropped your wings to the ground, ignoring the dirt on them.

"Where'd they go?" One of the demons said, you heard the sound of him cocking a gun.

"Woah, if you three don't pay the admission price, you're going to have to leave, and no guns here, we can't afford a law suit." A voice said, he sounded annoying to be honest.

"Save it, we don't care about your stupid theme park, we lost something that belonged to u-" the demon was cut off, you decided to peek over, curiosity getting the better of you.

Two of the demons were cowering in fear, the third one was being held by his throat, a jester type demon was holding him, shaking him a little bit. A guy in an apple suit was also cowering, even though he was most likely the guy who spoke earlier

"Leave, now." The jester demon spoke, his pupil turned and made eye contact with you, you gasped and ducked under the stand again.

"Come on guys let's go." One of the demons snapped, you heard them walk away.

Your happiness was short lived, two hands grabbed your shoulders, lifting you up from the stand.

It was the jester, he had the wide green smile, his eyes weren't normal either, they were all green with a faded white pupil, but for some reason...they were hypnotizing, you wanted to go to sleep looking at them.

"What do I have here?" He laughed, he sounded normal for the most part, his eyes moved to your wings. "You're not a demon, how... interesting." He shivered a little bit, grabbing your injured wing.

You yelped in pain, he quickly pulled his hand away, still smiling, although you can tell it faulterd a bit.

"Are-Are you going to hurt me?" You asked, he shook his head.

"Your new, something special, maybe you can help me with something, then I can help you with your problem." His hands gripped the edge of the stand, staring at you, his smile widened deviously.

"I-I don't know." You took a step back from him, gosh he was intimidating.

"Other demons aren't going to be as merciful as I was." He gestured his head to where he confronted the three demons earlier. "And I can assure you, you'll be safer in the park then almost anywhere else, besides the palace, but even then any royal would want to hang something like you from their palace walls."

"Has that happened before?" You asked nervously, crawling over the stand.

"Twice, it was funny the first two times to be honest, but now it's just sad, and sense we've never gotten your kind here, I suggest you take my offer." He ran a finger down the stand, wiping off the ash that clung to it, his smiled dropped for a slight second, then he turned back to you, smiling again.

"No deals, right?"

"Nope, not at all, I help you, you help me, it's a simple trade, no deals needed."

"What would that intel?" You asked, the jester scoffed.

"I know Angels are supposed to be careful around demons, but Geez, you guys really get me down, come on." He turned around, his bells around his neck and head jingling.

You followed him through the park, kids were running around while construction was going on, it was incredibly dangerous, it seemed the kids were happy though. One of the kids ran up to the jester, hugging him.

"I love you Fizzy!" The kid said sweetly, he was just a tiny imp, maybe you were right, some of these demons had a heart.

The Jester smiled, grabbed the kid with both hands, he stared at the kid for a second, then tossed the kid behind him, continuing on like nothing happened.

" the kid ok."

"I don't care." The jester said bluntly.

"Your names Fizzy?" You changed the subject, kids seemed to be to, personal for him.

"Fizzarolli, kids are to stupid to pronounce any word with more than two syllables." He snapped, his smile still stayed though "You?"



He led you to a large red tent, opening one of the flaps, he bowed dramatically, gesturing for you to enter, you ducked under his hand, those claws scared you. There was a large new stage inside stands were in front of it, this was definitely a place were performances were done, Fizzarolli walked past you, heading behind the stage, you quickly followed.

He went inside a dressing room, almost ignoring your presence, he flopped down in a chair, picking up some blueprints. You calmly sat down on the bed in there, you spread your injured out, your wings were huge, and it was hard trying to look at the wound, the bullet had hit right below your joint, any higher he might have disabled you. Fizzarolli quickly opened up a drawer, pulling my out a small plastic box. He opened it, pulling out wrap bandages.

"You won't be able to fly for a while." His smile fell, sighing "It would have been helpful as well."

"What do you need my help with again?"

"Well, a couple weeks ago, a rival burned down my park, and destroyed one of my robots, most of the time I wouldn't even be here, but I've had to make improvements and start building a new one." He wrapped up your wound "Having you as an attraction would make tons of money."

"Why exactly does everyone think I'm rare, there's almost 1200 of us in heaven."

"Exactly! You are the first new species of angel ever! Normally you would be killed, and your wings would be hung from the wall of whoever killed you, it's a sport here." Fizzarolli giggled, twirling his head a little bit afterward, he was very entertaining to say the least. "But sense you're in my park, I get to do what I want with you, so I'm choosing to keep you alive, IF you promise to help me."

"What of I don' help?" You asked "Not that I'm saying no! I'm just concerned about your morals."

He tugged on the bandage, tearing it off, you couldn't open your wing because of the bandages, but you heal quickly...hopefully your powers would still work down here.

"You'll be fine, trust me."

Fizzarolli x Reader: Two Red Strings [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now