"Look, there's my parents," James said, pointing to the people talking to Ast's parents.

"Oh, mine are there to," she said.

James and Ast walked towards their parents. Her's did a double take when they saw her hair.

"Ast!" Asteria's mum, Tina, exclaimed, pulling her into tight hug.

"I've missed you," Ast said, going to hug her dad, Dorian.

"Someone's been waiting to see you," Tina said.

Iris was babbling to herself in Tina's arms. When she saw her big sister, she bore a big grin. Tina handed her over to Ast and she tickled her little cheeks, causing Iris to giggle. Oscar suddenly appeared next to them and nearly made Ast jump. His girlfriend, Jade, was nearby and she walked over to coo at Iris.

"She's so cute." Jade said.

"I know! You're one cute little one, aren't you?" Ast smiled, bouncing Iris up and down.

Tina's eyes moved over to James, who at the time was talking to his family, Ast noticed and pulled him over to greet the others.

"Oh, this is James," Ast introduced.

"Ah, this is the infamous Asteria," James's mother said, smiling at Ast. "Yes, James has told me all about you."

"And their countless detentions too no doubt," Dorian laughed.

"A talent for trouble they are." Oscar said.

Ast blushed. James stood prouder but immediately got distracted by Iris. He cooed and smiled at her. Remus had disappeared but Sirius was still standing where they left him. He watched as Ast's and James's parents happily talked to them. Jealousy filled his body at the sight of them. Why couldn't his family love him? What was he doing wrong to deserve such a life?

Asteria looked around spotted Sirius sulking behind the group.

"Oh, and this is Sirius," Ast added, pulling Sirius forward.

"Pleasure to meet you," Tina greeted.

Remus walked over to the group with his mother, their resemblance was uncanny.

"And this is Remus,"

"Ast's boyfriend," Oscar added under his breath.

Ast gave Oscar a warning look. Tina pulled Remus into a hug, which took him by surprise. Dorian and Remus shook hands. And Tina and Remus's mum politely greeted each other.

"Asteria," Remus's mother said, shaking her hand. "I hope Remus has been looking after you."

"More like the other way round," Sirius commented.

James elbowed Sirius in the ribs and he let out a yelp of pain. Sirius casted a glance towards a group of people by the platform wall. Ast followed his gaze and found that the people he was looking at looked like they didn't belong there at all. His parents. Regulus was already there, the happy face Ast had been so used to seeing on him had completely faded.

"C'mon James," James's mother said. "We should get going. And Dorian, Tina, you're welcome to come over whenever you want."

"Yes, we'll speak soon Effie," Tina said.

"How do you know them so well?" Oscar asked.

"Effie and Monty were my best friends, Wolfy. We caused an absurd amount of trouble back in our Hogwarts days."

"Does everyone in this family cause trouble except for me?"

"Yep," Ast said, smiling mischievously at her brother.

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