"Shut up!" He seethes once again through his teeth, "I know you know. If you don't fess up I will slice your throat open." My stomach has fully left the building. He brings the object into my view and it's a cutting knife.

     "I won't tell you shit. You already know, figure it out yourself." The feminine voice meekly speaks. Another scream escapes her as the knife presses up against her chin. He brings her face closer still pressing it to her and spits in her face. She jerks back causing a drip of red to fall onto her clothing.

      Matthew starts pacing the floor again shaking his head against his thoughts. For a moment I think he looks over, causing me to lean back to the wall next to the door.

     Nothing comes after a couple of minutes so I peer back seeing him towering over her shrunken body as if she was trying to hide herself.

     My mind flashes back to a previous conversation I had with Ria a month or so ago.

    "He's done so much fucked up shit to so many people. He manipulates, controls, owns, he's like how would you say. A "modern day devil" to most. You sign a paper or contract and he practically owns you." I let out a quiet gasp at their statement as my mind flashes back to earlier of today and what Matthew had told me in that room.

      I feel tears well up in my eyes as Ria continues to spill more about Matthew, "Once he starts an obsession over something, it doesn't go away. I overhead some people saying it was you..I'm really hoping it's not Luna." They grab my hands as the tears start to roll out. Ria wasn't able to see the tears through the dark though.

     Tears start forming in my eyes as I trace back to the conversation. I've never really given it thought until now in this moment. 

     When I focus back he was leaned down practically straddling the poor girl as she sobbed against his hand. He was hushing her trying to keep her quiet with the knife still poking up into her jaw. I just know that hurts.

     "You're useless Lily. You always have been." He spokes lowly in a deep voice. He cocks his head to the side unfazed by anything, "It's a pity really. Once you're gone you won't be missed except for your sluttish ways of course. That's all you've been known for."

      Before I know it he's moved the knife from her jaw to her neck.

     "Any last words, Lily?"He taunts out to her.

      "You're going to hell Matthew Gray." She spits out at him. Even though I could barely see his face, I know it was filled with rage.

     "Who's to say I've not already been there?" He leans down licking the blood that was dripping down her chin causing her to jerk away and look somewhere else. Her head jerks to the right, her gaze falling on me. For once her icey blue eyes weren't filled with jealously but rather a fear one could never describe.

     His hand wraps around her jaw forcing her to look back at him. He leans down to her face his lips barely brushing against hers as he whispers something to her I couldn't hear. She viciously shakes her head against his grip and struggles against the chair despite her hands being tied behind it.

     Before I can process it, red filled my vision. The knife went against her throat and the red liquid floods against the two of them. She stops struggling after a minute and he stands up wiping himself off though his clothes were ruined. 

     A scream rips through the air, this time not from her but from me.

     His head shoots over to the noise, just now taking notice of my presence. His face held a wicked grin on it as he observed my reaction. I stand there numbly not knowing what was going on.

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now