New Alphas?

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Damian's POV: i was in my room on my bed when my door was flung open and my mate/gf jumped on me and was...crying?. I hug her and ask "what's wrong babe" she stops crying and sniffles "m-my mom is dead hunters killed her" i look at her and kiss her on the head and cover her up "im so so sorry baby but you know you will have to be Alpha me and you" i said she nodded and was asleep i hugged her and fell asleep as well.
I woke up and mari was gone and i new she was with her class i got dressed and left

Maris POV: i got up and left his house and went back to my class where i see Chloe And the class. i walk in and she looked at me and growled i growled back and the class looked at us "why did you just run off! Dad was crying because you left" she snarled "oh im sorry that we just found out that are mother was killed by hunters" the class gasped and i look Chloe in the eyes "look sis im sorry im just sad that mom is gon we saw her once before we had to flee and we never got to see her again" i said she hugged me and i hugged back "ik sis but you and Damien Are the new Alphas we need you both" "WAIT YOUR ALPHA AND HAVE A MATE!!" I nodded and my Alpha Mark appeared and it was a moon with stars. "Its time Mari for the world to know there new Alphas" i nodded and turned into my wolf form my normel size so did Chloe the class gasped again and followed us. As we walked people bowed and the pack did as well i walked up and met Damien i nuzzled him and he nuzzled back then my dad starred to talk "we all gather to see my daughter and her mate become Alpha of the pack. You all are probably wandering why so young mate and her mom died do to hunters and we all miss her but i cant rule without a mate and Mari is my oldest daughter congrats my daughter and son-inlaw your now the new Alphas" there were claps and yays i licked my mate and walked off to Chloe and nuzzled her

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