Whole Equestrian Part 2

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The footsteps drew closer. Jolene needed to get on her feet. Now.

She slapped both hands on the pavement, attempting to push herself to her knees but her left arm buckled under her own weight. Her face slamming to the pavement. The puddle beneath her splashed from the impact. She couldn't afford any time to acknowledge the pain, she was running on pure adrenaline at this point. She tried again using her good arm. Success. A tear fell down her beat-up face. If her legs were broken, it was all over.

Jolene shifted her weight onto her left leg. The pain was immense, but it seemed like her leg wasn't broken. She tried the other leg.

"He's probably just a few steps away at this point." Jolene thought to herself.

Her right leg appeared to be functional as well. She steadied herself on the building beside her. She would only have one attempt to do anything she could to save her life.

"Should I try to incapacitate Josuke? No. That'd be impossible. I'm too weak and my stand is busy repairing my body. Shit. This fight is unwinnable, but there's no way I can outrun him."

Jolene hobbled away from Josuke, leaning on the brick with her good arm.

"I can't fight... and I can't run.... how am I gonna survive this?"

Jolene's eyesight started to return. She looked at her feet. There were streaks of red and silver all over the wet cement, it looked like something Jackson Pollock would've done. She looked up towards Thoko's window, there was yellow light pouring out.

"He's still awake. I need to warn him. There's a chance these freaks are going after him once they've finished me off. I'm not going to let that happen."

Jolene looked back down at her feet, moving sluggishly, one after the other dragging through the muddy ground. A rat darted past her.


Then it hit her. Thoko's building had a vermin problem, another display of Charlotte's disregard for the well-being of her tenants. Her eyes traced the rat's path as it scurried across the pavement and into an opening by the basement window. This was her escape route, as disgusting as it might be. The footsteps behind her came to a halt. She was out of time.


Josuke's stand charged towards Jolene, its fist high in the air, aimed straight for her face, she looked backwards, clutching her broken arm.


A streak of liquid mercury shaped like an arrow shot out towards Josuke's stand.

"Oh please... you can barely move." called the mysterious woman's voice in a condescending tone. " Josuke. Bash her brains."

Josuke seemed to strain for a moment, as though he was fighting the command, but it was no use, after the stand's arm twitched a couple times, it started to descend down towards Jolene's face. The streak of mercury whipped around the fist.

"What are you planning?" the mysterious voice pondered.

The streak stretched a few meters past Soft & Wet, ignoring the stand's assault on Jolene. She knew her target. It jetted closer and closer towards Josuke's face.

"WAIT.... SHIT! YOU WOULDN'T!" Screamed the woman.

Josuke's eyes were filled with terror, the mercury snake was now just a few inches from Josuke's ear. Soft & Wet instinctively backed off Jolene and raced towards Josuke and slapped the poisonous fluid away from his head. Josuke, now free from danger, looked over to Jolene. She had dived to the pavement and painfully crawled to an opening by a nearby window. She made it.

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