Her Silver Lining Part 3

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Jolene began to drift off to sleep after spending her entire day reading in the library. She had spent hours trying to study her new 'creature', finding absolutely nothing of value. She was still utterly confused by the new 'thing' that seemed to fight with her and inhabit her. It was invisible to seemingly everybody but her, and most of all, it could beat the shit out of anybody. She wondered if anybody specific could see it, though. A voice violently shot through her prison cell.

"Hey, inmate, get up! You have a visitor!"

Jolene was startled by the voice and quickly turned over and looked out the cell door. She saw the guard and was met with happiness and confusion simultaneously. She was so happy that she would have a visitor. The only thing she had seen for 2 years is a sea of concrete and the same faces.

"Really? It's nighttime, can this wait until morning?" Jolene asked the guard.

"C'mon, get up," he bluntly replied. "We have a place to be, and I'm not gonna sit here waiting."

Jolene rolled out of bed and sluggishly walked over to the cell door. She stuck her hands outside between the bars, and the guard put handcuffs on her.

Gwen rolled over to look at Jolene and said, "Hey, what's going on?" "I'm just going to see a visitor," Jolene said. He opened the door and quickly gripped Jolene's wrist. She was yanked forward as the eyes of a few awake prisoners started to stare at her.

The cell block was a truly dreadful place. The only color other than gray came from the prisoners' belongings and clothing. She looked into the cells to see prisoners staring back at her.

Murderers, thieves, rapists, and smugglers alike were all united here in a community.

The block felt full and somehow empty simultaneously at night. An eerie quiet filled the prison while their eyes shined in the little moonlight let into the area. The prison guards' shining eyes glared at Jolene as she was escorted. Jolene never was able to ignore the sound of their boots hitting the ground as they stared into her cell. The jangling of keys and handcuffs went on throughout the entire night, and for more than a week, she couldn't sleep at all. Eventually, it just became background noise.

The guard wasn't there to be friendly or gentle. Every time Jolene fell a little bit behind, she was violently yanked forward. She grunted and gave him a dirty look, and the guard quickly reciprocated. She sighed and stared at the bland walls and floor as she walked. The two moved past the stairway, nearing the meeting rooms. Jolene nervously sighed. She remembered that she had someone to meet.

But who could be visiting her? Was it Arthur? Did Thoko come to bail her out? Someone else?

All she knew was that there was a strange aura coming from one of the meeting rooms. This only furthered her curiosity, though she thought it would most likely be Arthur. The aura made her think otherwise, though.

Jolene and the guard stopped right outside of the six meeting rooms that lined the wall. "Stand on that mark," the guard said, as he pointed to a white sticker on the ground.

Jolene complied and moved over to the mark.

"Now, there are some rules to the meeting rooms, Jolene," he said. "First off, you have 30 minutes maximum. You're not allowed to kiss or get naked, because that could give you the ability to exchange objects. No foreign languages at all, as you could be hiding stuff from us behind a language barrier. The conversation will be recorded, and we can cut the meeting short if we want. Wait at the mark until the door opens." Jolene stood there silently waiting, and impatiently staring at the door. Then, the prison guard finally opened the door.

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