Part 4

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"I'm so stupid," Ronodin muttered to himself. "I should've remembered..."

A knock sounded at the door.

"Who is it?" Ronodin asked.

"Keara," came the reply of a small voice.

Rondin walked over and opened the door, revealing his young cousin waiting in the hallway.

"What are you doing here?"

She frowned. "My mother has requested your presence at our family dinner tonight."

"But I-"

"Queen's orders," Keara said firmly.

Ronodin sighed. "Fine. When is it?"
She grinned. "Right now! Come on come on." She tugged on his arm.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming. No need to get touchy," Ronodin grumbled, reluctantly following Keara to the royal dining room.

Everyone sat at a beautifully sculpted wooden table that was topped with a fine silk tablecloth. "Glad you could join us, Ronodin," The Fairy Queen said with a dangerous smile that only her nephew picked up on. Ronodin hesitantly took a seat next to Bracken and his sister, Mizelle. Bracken grinned at him, and Ronodin tried to give him a genuine one in return but failed miserably. Bracken noticed his hesitation and shot him a questioning look.

"I'm very grateful to have received this invitation, but I have to ask why it was extended? And at such short notice as well," Ronodin said, carefully thinking about each word so he wouldn't push the Queen too far.

She gave him a warning look, then replied, "It's been so long since we had everyone in the family here for a meal, so I figured we should try and do it more often."

"But I'm-" he stopped himself. "That's very thoughtful, thank you."

"You're so formal, Ronodin! This is dinnertime, not a meeting. I swear sometimes I wonder if you even have any emotions at all," she said in a teasing tone that Ronodin saw right through.

He fought to hold back a retort, reminding himself he was in hot water as it was. He would have to be on his best behavior so he could ever be allowed out of the palace again.

"Hey, Ronodin," Elora said. "My friend Syndra was wondering if you have any free time where you could meet up with her?"

Ronodin froze, thinking only of Cairnon in his moment of panic. "I-uh- who is this again?"

Elora frowned. "My best friend, you know her, come on."

"I-" the Queen shot him a glare. "I might be able to find the time," Ronodin mumbled.

Elora beamed. "That's great! Oh, she'll be so excited. I don't really understand her interest in you, but it'll make her so happy."

"Great," Ronodin mumled.

The Queen gave him an approving look. Ronodin sighed, drifting off into a daydream that possibly included Cairnon's arm around his shoulder. He turned red at the thought, trying but failing to push his unrelenting feelings away,.

"Aw, look!" Keara squealed. "He's blushing just thinking about her!"

Ronodin blushed even more furiously at her words, because he was in fact not thinking about Syndra at all.

Bracken looked at Ronodin's red face and burst out laughing. "You never told me you had a crush on Syndra!"

"I don't!" Ronodin snapped, and everyone went silent.

"Sure," Talia giggled.

"When should I tell her you're available?" Elora asked.

Ronodin prepared to say "never" but the Fairy Queen interrupted his retort with an abrupt "I think tomorrow afternoon will do, after Ronodin's training with me."


"Perfect!" Elora said, laughing at Ronodin's helpless expression. "Oh come on, it's not like socializing for once in your life will kill you."

Ronodin glared at the table, refraining once more from making a comment that would anger the Queen. "Stay calm," he whispered under his breath. "Stay calm, you can do this. It's only one meal."

"Ronodin, I do hope you'll join us for dinner again tomorrow, won't you?" The Fairy Queen asked with fake obliviousness to his discomfort.

Through gritted teeth, Ronodin forced out his reply: "Of course."

Keara squealed in delight.

Ronodin sighed. "While it has been a pleasure, I have some studies to catch up on," He said and rose from the table.

"Nonsense," the Queen snapped. "You've hardly touched your food, and I know for a fact that you are well ahead of where you need to be in your studies. Stay."

Ronodin took a deep breath, knowing he was trapped, and sat down with a grimace. "Sorry, My Queen."

"Of course it's alright," she responded .

"Right," Ronodin mumbled. "it's fine when you need it to be but not when you're actually wrong."

The Queen didn't hear his words, but noticed his expression and narrowed her eyes at him. He returned the glare, daring to go beyond his complacency with the treatment he always received from her. She dropped the gaze and turned to her children.

"How were your studies today?"

Ronodin tuned out their answers, not bothering to care. He had been close with them all at one point, but now all of Bracken's sisters treated him on par with how the queen treated him. Insignificant, and apparently without any feelings at all. They didn't realize how much it hurt him to be excluded and forgotten for every single day of his life. He was surprised to find tears coming to his eyes, and he hurriedly wiped them away before anyone noticed.

"Get a grip, Ronodin," he muttered to himself.

Bracken heard his mumbling and looked over, concerned.

"Everything okay?" he asked.

Ronodin nodded, not trusting his voice.

Bracken accepted his nod as a truthful answer and turned his attention back to Keara retelling her thrilling tale of the day which included something about a mushroom in the woods.

When the meal was finally over and Ronodin was allowed to clear his plate, the Queen commanded him to stay after everyone left. He complied, growing more nervous with each second of silence between them.

"You walk a thin line you know that, don't you?"


"Don't try to make excuses," she snapped. "You will never be with Cairnon, not after his family's shame! Not to mention what people would think of you. You used to be respected. Now all of the kingdom pities you."

"Oh, well I wonder why?" Ronodin asked sarcastically. "Maybe it's because I don't have any parents!"

She gave him one last glare. "Leave."

"Gladly," He said, cursing himself for letting her get the best of him and inspire him to anger once again.

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