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"Sorry, Ronodin," Cairnon's mother said, fidgeting with worry. "Cairnon's not here. He was supposed to be home... but I suppose he had a last minute assignment with the Guard."

Ronodin cursed under his breath. "Okay, thank you." He turned to leave, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"Please make sure my son is safe," Cairnon's mother whispered.

Ronodin hesitated. "I will. I promise. I would never let anything happen to him."

Her eyes glistened with tears of worry and gratitude, and Ronodin ran off, determined to find his friend. He ran all the way to the palace, not even bothering to stop when his lungs burned and his legs threatened to collapse. He took a moment of rest before entering the palace, then he burst into the throne room.

"Where's Cairnon?" Ronodin demanded.

The Fairy Queen glared at him. "It is not in your place to ask me where my Guard is, nor is it acceptable for you to use that tone with me."

In three swift moves, Ronodin secured the Queen in a hold and held his sword against her, quite similar to how he had once held Bracken. The Guards in the room stood in shock.

"I'll ask you again. Where. Is. Cairnon?" Ronodin growled.

The Fairy Queen struggled, but her nephew held strong with the power he found from all his bottled up rage finally coming free.

"I- I sent him- on a- a mission. There has been a- a minor uprising in the- the old demon lands. I sent- I sent Cairnon there," The Queen stammered.

Ronodin dropped his sword in shock, and his aunt immediately turned on him, throwing him to the floor where he crumpled into a heap.

"Arrest him," she ordered, and the Guards grabbed hold of each of Ronodin's arms.

The Queen lifted up Ronodin's head so she could look him in the eyes. "I expected better from you."

Tears glistened in Ronodin's dark eyes. "No. You didn't. This is all your fault! You made me this way! I was never good enough for you, and I never will be."

"Take him away."

"You sent Cairnon out to die!" He yelled. "He barely earned a place in the Guard and you sent him out to die!"

"Let's hope your training does him some good then," the Queen said coldly.

Ronodin closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. His eyes snapped open, and his horn flew from the ground to his hand. He willed it into a sword, and used the handle to push the guards to the ground. Then he vanished. When Ronodin ran out the castle, he came back into view.

"Ronodin?" Bracken asked, confused. "What are you doing? How did you-"

"No time, Bracken. I have to get out of the realm."

"Just ask mother-"

"The Queen ordered me to be arrested," Ronodin said. "Please, Bracken. I'll need your help to get out without her permission."

Bracken hesitated. "Arrested? What did you do?"

"Please, there's no time. It's Cairnon- he's in danger."

Bracken pursed his lips. "Okay. What do you need me to do?"

"Put your horn against mine," he ordered. "Focus its energy. I'll do the rest."

Bracken pulled out his horn and crossed it with Ronodin's, closing his eyes in concentration. Ronodin took a deep breath, and both their horns glowed. The Queen burst out the palace doors right as they vanished in a flash of light.

The boys appeared out of breath in the middle of a battle. The Royal Guard was disorganized and hectic, struggling to maintain order. Ronodin looked around frantically, trying to find Cairnon amid the chaos.

"Where is he?" Bracken yelled.

"I don't know!"

He finally saw Cairnon's dark red hair across the field, and saw him locked in combat with a silver haired demon.

"There!" Ronodin pointed and Bracken followed his hand.

"Oh no," Bracken said.

Cairnon had just been knocked to the ground, and was desperately trying to hold off the attacks of the demon. Ronodin started running toward him but a firm hand grabbed him and pulled him back. The Queen had arrived with reinforcements. Ronodin's sword was stripped from his hand, and he was restrained by 3 guards. He looked helplessly at Bracken.

"Bracken, please! You have to help him!"

"He will do nothing of the sort," the Fairy Queen commanded. "My son will not be put in danger."

"Then go help your guard yourself!" Ronodin shouted. "What kind of Queen stands by and watches her people die?

The Queen glared at him. "My guard is well trained and experienced. The only reason I'm here is because of you."

"Don't let him die just because it'll hurt me," Ronodin begged.

"You would do well to learn how to control your emotions."

"At least I'm not heartless like you!"

"You have been charged with treason and attempted assassination of your Queen," she said. "Perhaps consider this part of your punishment."

Ronodin watched in horror as Cairnon's sword was knocked from his hand. The demon picked up the sword and plunged it into Cairnon's chest ruthlessly.

"CAIRNON!" Ronodin screamed.

His sword, which was in the Queen's hand, glowed black and flew from her grasp into Ronodin's. He showed no mercy, cutting down the guards that held him and rushing to Cairnon's side. He threw his sword through the silver haired demon and knelt down by his dying friend.

"Ronnie," Cairnon said weakly. "I'm sorry."

"No, no, it's okay... don't apologize. I should've been more careful, this is all my fault," Ronodin said, tears streaming down his face. "Please hang on. I- I can heal it... I think."

Ronodin willed his sword back into its horn form, but instead of pearly white it was a dull onyx. He looked at it in dismay.

"Your- your horn," Cairnon stammered.

"I'm so sorry," Ronodin sobbed. "I couldn't- I couldn't stop it. I'm too far gone... and without you-"

Cairnon grabbed his hand. "I know you're not evil. Promise me- promise me you won't let this change you."

Ronodin pulled him close. "I- I can't. You're all I have. I can't lose you. I..." he sighed, still afraid to say what he had always wanted.

"Ronodin, look at me," Cairnon said.

Ronodin blinked away his tears and looked into Cairnon's bright blue eyes.

"I have always loved you." Cairnon's hand fell away from Ronodin's face and he slumped to the ground, no longer breathing.

"I always loved you too," he whispered to the lifeless body.

Ronodin stood shakily, willing his horn into a sword once again. He knew what he had to do. Run away- wait patiently, learn, and grow. Cairnon hadn't wanted this for him. But Cairnon was gone, and nothing would bring him back. Ronodin swore to himself that one day he would kill the Queen, the person who had made him this way- the person who stood by and watched while the one person he ever loved died in his arms. He had lost everything. And now he was going to take everything from her. 

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