Start from the beginning

My eyebrows knitted together "Now that's a lie, you're absolutely lying to me right now"

Astoria is probably the most beautiful girl in Hogwarts, not gonna lie. Her brown hair and her beautiful doe eyes, it's no wonder Malfoy's head over heels for her.

"I'm fucking serious!" she exclaimed then drop her hands from my shoulder.

"Speaking of her" she raised her brows then started pacing around the room.

"Have you heard of the news?" she queried.

I turned around and watch her going in circles like a maniac. "No" dully I answered.

"Astoria broke up with Pucey"

I blinked then lick my lips "And?" I questioned.

"Don't you care?" She asked me.

I put my hands on my hips then rolled my tongue on the inside wall of my cheek. "It's really none of my business so why would I care?"

"Malfoy likes her" she stated

I shook my head "Sooo?" I queried. I really don't get her point, it's as if I don't know these things already.

"You're not worried?" she asked.

"about what?" I am really baffled right now.

"He could be swooning over her and who knows, Ask her out on a dance later?" Clarette exclaimed, she stopped pacing around and stare at me.

"Then isn't that great? I do like him but we're just friends, he just wanna be friends, so I don't see the problem with that. I'll be even happy for him" I said, but the truth is, if I see him with Astoria, I'll probably be hurt, atleast a little bit.

Just a little bit.

"You're crazy" she exclaimed. "But anyways let's go, the Ball's starting and we're already late"

And with that we left our dorms, it was a struggle rushing to the Ball with my stiletto heels still I manage. Once we're near the Great Hall, we briefly stopped and took a deep breath.

"Look once we get there, we seprate, find our partners and have a great night" Clarette ordered and I nod.

"Noted" I shortly replied.

We fixed our gowns, our hairs and makeup before slowly walking inside. Our chins held high as we enter.

My mouth slight parted in shock. Everything was different. There were ornaments hanged on the cement walls and the atmosphere was so christmas-like and winter. The Great Hall was surrounded by chairs and tables but still got some space enough for the people to dance. Witch and wizards are all dressed up in different colours, making it look like a parade or a cultural festival.

We stopped in our tracks, eyes roaming around the Great Hall. Wow. Just Wow. Ball's aren't my thing but this is crazy, I feel like I was on a different school. It looks so—magical. Like am I dreaming? The air is thin but wonderful, the students, even the teachers look so decent.

"Damn" I heard Clarette exclaim.

"Yeah, Damn" I repeated, making her giggle.

At the corner of my eye, I saw a girl advancing towards us, I whip my head at her direction and saw Luna.

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