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Y/N's P.O.V.
-7 years old-

It wasn't a dark and stormy night, actually it was midday and the weather was rather nice for the middle of October. It was partly cloudy, the sun high in the sky, shining through the clouds, with a slightly icy wind, reminding everyone that winter was on its way.
Not that any of that mattered to me, I was inside my bedroom, hiding, with my hands over my ears and my eyes shut tightly.
My dad had told me to hide after there was a loud knock on the front door and he told me I wasn't allowed to come out unless he came to get me.

"No!" I heard my dad yell, before the house fell silent once more. I opened my eyes and moved my hands from the sides of my head, placing them down on the ground.
I crawled out from under my bed, before the stairs creaked loudly.

"Dad?" I called out hesitantly, before my doorknob turned and the door was slowly pushed open, revealing a man, who was definitely not my father. He took a step towards me and I took one back, the only thing between us was my single bed.
There was a strange sound next to me as a large, golden circle appeared and the Ancient One came through it, making my eyes widen.
The Ancient One was my dad's friend that came to see us sometimes. She was really nice to me, she started to come and visit after the bad men took my mom away.

"Hello, young one." She smiled softly. The man by my door moved his hands and golden sparks moved around his hands.
"Close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you too, okay?" The Ancient one asked and I nodded my head, before closing my eyes tightly.
There was a lot of banging and something that almost sounded like electricity, before two hands landed on my shoulders.
"Keep your eyes closed, young one. I'm going to take you somewhere where you'll be safe." I felt her pick me up and I wrapped my arms around her, more than temped to open my eyes and try and see what happened, but I didn't want to make her angry.
"You can open your eyes now, young one." She spoke softly as she placed me down on the floor of an unfamiliar room.

"Ancient One, what happened to my dad?" I asked in a quiet voice and she kneeled next to me.

"I'm not sure, but I'm going to find out." She promised.
"You're going to stay here, okay? With Master Keown?" I turned around to see who she was pointing at, seeing a man, who looked to be around my father's age.
"Don't worry, Master Keown will look after you whilst I'm gone." I simply nodded my head and she stood up, before stepping back through the golden circle. I felt tears of fear and confusion welling up in my eyes, before the man kneeled next to me.

"Hey, don't cry. What's your name?" He asked softly, a kind smile on his face.

"Y-Y/N." I sniffled.

"Such a pretty name for a pretty young lady." He offered me his hand.
"I'm Master Maxwell Keown, but you can just call me Max. I'm going to stay with you until the Ancient One gets back, but what we do is up to you. What do you like to do, Miss Y/N?"

"I like to read." I mumbled shyly. Being homeschooled meant I constantly had my nose in a book, whether it was for learning, or my own amusement, often both.

"Well, let's go and find some books."


-27 years old-

My alarm rang out loudly and I sighed as I rolled out of bed, before reluctantly getting dressed and heading towards the kitchen.

"You look tired. How late did you stay up last night?" Daniel asked and I groaned quietly, getting myself a drink.

"I don't know. I was in the library into 2am, then I took a couple of books and went to my room, but I must have fallen asleep some time after 3am." Daniel chuckled as I yawned, waving my hand lazily and conjuring my tablet as I took a seat at the counter.

"You all packed up and ready to go?" Daniel asked and I hummed as I read the news on the device in front of me.
"I'm going to miss having you around here, Y/N." I looked up at him with a small smile.

"I'll be back before you know it, Daniel." I promised.
"I'm going to spend a few months in the London Sanctum, then maybe I'll head to Hong Kong."

"As long as you keep in touch." He sighed and I looked at the man, the same man that had become much like an older brother to me in the past few years. I was there when he began his training with the Ancient One and I stayed with him in New York when he took over the sanctum, to make sure everything ran smoothly. I had been offered the position of master of the New York Sanctum before Daniel had, but I just didn't feel ready.

"Of course I will, Daniel." I looked back down at my tablet, seeing a new article.
"Damn." I mumbled and Daniel looked over my shoulder.

"What is it?" He asked.

"One of the world's most renowned neurosurgeons, Doctor Stephen Strange, was involved in a car accident last night." I quoted the article. I had heard of the famous doctor, he had a perfect history of patients and successful surgeries, pretty much every medical-professional looked up to him or envied him.
There was a picture of his wrecked car and I cringed, wondering how he survived such a nasty crash.

"Poor guy. I bet his career is over." Daniel muttered and I turned the tablet off, not wanting to see any more depressing news.
"You should get ready to go to London, it's already afternoon there." I glanced up at the clock on the wall, seeing it was almost 8:30am. London was 5 hours ahead of New York...

"Yeah, you're right." I picked up my laptop and moved my, now empty, cup, before heading back to my room.
"Hey buddy." I muttered when I saw my relic waiting patiently by my bag. The Cloak of Elevation. It was similar to the Cloak of Levitation, except my relic was made of a black material with a hood instead of a collar.
"Come on, we're expected in London." I picked up my bag and slipped my tablet inside as the cloak made itself comfortable on my shoulders. I collected the books I had borrowed last night, intending on putting them back in the library before I left.

"Here, I'll take care of those." Daniel said, taking the books from me.
"See you soon, Y/N."

"Yeah. Goodbye, Daniel." I began to open the portal to the London Sanctum, when the cloak pulled me back suddenly.
"Oh, come on." I groaned in annoyance, making Daniel laugh.

"I think somebody wants to say goodbye." He looked at me with an amused expression and I sighed.

"Fine." I turned and walked away from the room, finding myself in front of the familiar glass case in minutes. The cloak slid off my shoulders and hovered in front of the glass, almost as if it was waiting for something to happen.
Inside the case was the Cloak of Levitation. The two shared some kind of magical connection and the past time they were both used together by two masters was generations ago. Supposedly, the masters shared a connection too, which is why the relics chose them.
I didn't fully understand it, but according to the Ancient One, whoever the Cloak of Levitation chose, would have some kind of connection to me. That was if it chose anyone whilst I was still in possession of my cloak.
"You done saying goodbye to your boyfriend?" I asked and the cloak landed on my shoulders.
"Good. We have places to be."

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