Chapter one: The dragon tamer

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They call her the dragon tamer but her name was Alana Donovan.
She had platinum hair and violet eyes.

Alana lived in Iceland, it wasn't even cold and she loved it.

She walked over to the bar and slammed the door open.

"Scotch." She said in Icelandic.

The bartender nodded.

She took heavy gulps and ordered another glass.

And another.

And another.

"Hey, Miles..." She started to her friend, the bartender.

He was wiping a glass with a clean towel and looked up at her.

"I don't understand..." She mumbled.

He was dumbfounded.

Why was she called a dragon tamer?
She never saw a dragon in her whole life.

Miles probably didn't know either...
She'd ask anyways...

"Why am I called a dragon tamer?" She asked.

He smirked at her.

"Ask Maria, she'll know..." He said.

Alana groaned.

Maria was the elder of all of Iceland, she raised Alana and was the one who always called her the 'dragon tamer'.

Alana stumbled up.
She was called the dragon tamer...
For what reason?

Here she was, about to find out, half drunk.

Alana walked down the street to a big brown house.
She opened the door and hiccuped.
Maria was an old lady with a grey bun.
She glared at Alana.

"Were you at the bar again?" She snapped.

Alana hiccuped and smiled.
"Why am I a dragon tamer?" She asked.

"Because you have the dragon power." Maria yelled.

Alana paused. "Oh."

She hiccuped and went upstairs.

Dragon power?

She knew what that was, she dreamed of a purple dragon always talking to her and she could control a purple venom stuff that the dragon called scales juice.
Alana could do other stuff to, but scales juice was her favorite.
It leaked out her fingernails when she wanted to use it.
Once she dropped one drop into a flower pot and the flowers inside all shriveled in less than two seconds.

Alana was laying on her bed and thought about her scotch.
She had an obsession with drinking it...
It had to stop.
Alana kept letting her mind wonder until her eyes shut and she fell asleep.

Alana was wearing a black gown standing barefoot on the snowy mountains. In front of her was a purple dragon.

"Alana, there's something wrong with the world, you must go to Canada." A women voice said.

"But why? I can't just go to Canada. What will I tell Maria?" Alana argued.

"Tell her that Grenadine told you to." The dragon snarled.

Alana shook her head. "No! I'm not going to Canada!" She yelled.

The snow went violent. Wind blew everywhere and the snow under her feet was actually freezing her.

"If you go to Canada, I'll teach you more of the dragon power." The dragon snapped.

Alana nodded. "Okay! Just stop the storm!"

All the snow disappeared.
Alana's feet was warm and she felt oddly comfortable.

"Wake up and go to Canada...." A voice said.

Alana jolted out of bed and packed a duffle bag.
Maria walked in her room.

"What're you doing?" She asked.

Alana didn't stop packing.

"Going to Canada, Grenadine told me to!" She said.

Maria sighed. "Okay, have fun."

Wow, she took that easily...

Alana stood up and walked to the airport.

Here she goes, to Canada.

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