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|Black Y/n|
Y/n Pov

I was sitting on my bed, reading a Harry Potter book.  I turned my phone was off since I wasnt expecting anyone to call. I looked out the window and it was pouring raining.

After a few minutes I heard a knock on my door. "COME IN!" I yelled. As the person came into my room I looked up to find Yamaguchi. "Hi, honey." I said.

I got no reply so I looked up to find Yams crying. "Woah, baby what happened?" You motioned for him to come give you a hug.

"Y/n... i'm over it. I hate this team so much. They act like i can't do anything for them." Yamaguchi said crying into my shoulder. "Shh.. your perfect. How about we go take a shower? O-or a bath if that what you prefer." I said taking his cheeks into my head.

He nodded yes, so I went to go start our bath and poured some bubbles into there and a few bathbombs.

The bath was finally ready, so I told Yamaguchi and stripped naked and allowed him to get into the bath first.

After he got into the bath, I went in second. We're sat in there talking.

"Do you feel better, baby?" I asked. "Yeah, being with you make me more happier, love." Yamaguchi said,

I kissed him and played in the shower a little more.

After the shower we got into bed and cuddled. "You know, Y/n... I love you so much. I'm sorry for coming to you about my problems." Yams said.

I got up and cupped his face. "No. Never apologize for coming to talk to me. Ever. I'm your safe place and you're mines. I love you and you're perfect to me. So no. Never apologize to me about coming and talking to me." I said kissing his face all over. I laid back down and kissed his neck before going to sleep.

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