004; a day with dad

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"Father.." Sumi greeted him with a nod, his cheeks still in collide with his father. Collins stayed still and acted as if this was an everyday occurrence. But before Sumi could say anything else, his father continued his chirp. "I cleared up all my schedule for you~ Lets have a father and son bonding time~"

There's no option to decline anyways..

"But before that father, i have something to request."

His fathers ears perked up and the man smiled at his son. Byton would do anything to make his son happy. Louis wants someone dead? Just tell him the name! Wants the most expensive jewelry? Why not? Want more slaves? Feel free to buy! Anything to keep his youngest happy.

"I want to resume my studies."

Sumi's voice was clear and commanding, as if ordering a servant to buy him something. Byton could only frown deeply, still worried for his youngest's health. Nevertheless, not wanting another tantrum to have to deal with, Byton agreed reluctantly. "Alright. I'll resume your studies. Come to school whenever your ready."

Ah, thank god. One thing Sumi cant stand is, bad grades. All his life, he wanted average grades. One day, in his old life, when he was still an elementary kid, a teacher once told him that the average grade was 75/100. It was a miracle, since Sumi didn't know what was an average grade at the time. That teacher was the only teacher Sumi had respected. Since that day, Sumi thrived for an average grade, coming home with 75/100 on all his test papers (perks of being a genius). He seemed to get more stares, but he never really realized that, as he was happy to get an average grade.

"What are we going to do today?"

That question made Byton's lips curved into a smile once more, like a frown was never in there. "I'm so glad you asked. I've always wanted to go shopping like all those noble girls! Lets go!"

Before his father could pull Sumi like a doll again, Sumi decided to ask another question, despite already analyzing the answer. "With brother?"

Byton's lips frowned again. Though Byton never hated his eldest child, he didn't really like him either. All he focused on was Louis, Louis, Louis. This made Sumi a little bit uneasy because, Byton is a father, not only to one, but two healthy sons. So in Sumi's opinion, he should treat George the same as him.

"I think he has homework to do~ so its just us!"

As if I'm buying that.

But Sumi didn't really wanna argue or make the duke's mood worse because his dads' tantrums are another thing. Sumi sighed recalling all the tantrums he had to deal when he came into this world. Seriously who is the adult in this place? But people said that Louis' tantrums were worst..

Again, the Cliffard had a history of the most horrifying when they have tantrums.

Once again, Sumi found himself being dragged like a ragdoll by his lovely father, who refused to let go of his arm. But before Sumi could step onto the carriage, Byton suddenly looked behind Sumi at Collins. The duke made a disgusted face before waving his hands rudely, 'shooing' Collins away like a fly. The fly just gave a polite smile and bowed, before heading back to the mansion leaving the little one alone with the horrifying demon.

Sumi: ... (Collins, please don't leave!)

Silver hue eyes turned to the smaller boy's figure. Byton let out a big smile when facing his favorite son. "Now that the nuisance is gone, shall we continue our date- i mean father and son bonding time?~" Sumi narrowed his eyes at the older male, silently judging him, his lips pursed. He still couldn't believe that Byton is his new dad.

Cant I Just Be A Background Character?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora