Chapter 12: E's Curve ball

Start from the beginning

Adriel: Hey.

He dashes past Adriel.

C: Morning Bystander!

Kai: Hi.

C keeps going.

C: Hey asshole.

Kiru: OI! Calm the fuck down it's to early for your shit!!

C: Whatever!

He keeps dashing until he runs into the person he was looking for. He stops right in front of Ohma. Ohma holds on to Mako to make sure the force of C stopping didn't blow her away.

C: Hey.

Ohma: Hey.

A silence overtook the hallway as they stared each other down.

C: I'm going to run right through you.

Ohma: You're going down.

C smirks and then waves at Mako.

C: Hey bestie.

Mako: Hey C!

C then dashes back to his room. He scoops up Ryuko who's still sound asleep or rather she was. She stirs and opens her eyes before looking up at C and leaning into his chest as he holds her bridal style. He carries her to the bathroom and sets her on the bathroom counter. She reaches out her arms for him, but he simply kisses her cheek and starts up the shower. She rubs her eyes and then sees him getting into the shower. She takes off her pajamas and steps in after him. She wraps her arms around him and lays her head right above his abs. He pets her hair and hugs her back as the warm water falls on them.

Small timeskip brought to you by Chibi Arsenic sleeping

After their shower the duo decided to head downstairs and grab some breakfast, but not before stopping at Arsenic's room to make sure the kid was awake. C knocks on the door and then walks into the room. Once inside he sees Arsenic still laying in his bed. C walks over and picks the kid up. Arsenic lays his head on C's shoulder and gently grabs his hair. C takes Arsenic to the bathroom and cuts the water on for him. He gets it just warm enough to not burn him and then shakes the kid awake.

C: C'mon kiddo you didn't have a shower last night. Wake up.

Arsenic opens his eyes and rubs them with a yawn.

Arsenic: Morning.

C: You alive?

Arsenic: Mhmm.

C: Okay I'll be outside waiting for you to get done.

Arsenic: Yessir.

C leaves the bathroom, closes the door behind him, and opens the bedroom door. Ryuko looks up from her phone and puts it away.

Ryuko: He up?

C: He's in the shower now.

Ryuko nods as C leans on the wall beside her. She leans on his side as C pulls out of his phone. They take a picture and then scroll through some of the pictures and videos in C's gallery when they see a video of C beating Yang and Mercury in the Vytal Festival.

Ryuko: Hey wait you didn't have your phone when you went to REM.

C: Yeah you're right, but I had this video sent to me on my scroll and when I got back X and I put everything on my scroll into my phone.

Ryuko: Cool.

After about ten minutes Arsenic comes out dressed and with a wet head and tail. C smirks and stops the kid before reaching into a portal and pulling out a towel. C dries off Arsenic's hair and tail. He then pets the kid's head making his tail wag. Ryuko smiles at the sight as C puts Arsenic on his shoulders and runs off. Ryuko rolls her eyes with a smirk and chases after them. They eventually make it to the game room where they see Blake, Yang, Ruby, Weiss, Hikari, and Mako. He stops in front of them as Arsenic giggles and Ryuko enters the room.

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