"Guys, come on, don't fight. Especially you, Skeppy, you're in a bad position right now." A6D said.

"Ugh." Skeppy groaned and crossed his arms, looking away from Bad.

"Anyways," A6D starts explaining, "Skeppy and I just got in a car accident... I'm perfectly fine but Skeppy's leg ended up getting fractured..."

"Oh..." Bad mumbled, feeling a little pity.

"Why did you even bring him here, A6D?" Skeppy grumbled.

"Well, because..." A6D answers, "He's a friend, you know?"

"He's not my f**king friend." Skeppy growls.

Bad mumbled, "Well, I guess I should go then."

"But Bad-" A6D said.

"Skeppy and I aren't friends, okay?!" Bad exclaims, "Therefore there's no reason why I should be here!"

Bad leaves the room, slamming the door behind him.

A6D sighed in defeat.

"Just stop, okay, A6D?" Skeppy muttered, "Bad and I aren't gonna make up for what happened, no matter how long it's been or how much you try."

"That's just..." A6D mumbled, "That's just all I ever want right now. You and Bad... you guys deserve each other."

"No, we don't." Skeppy said while lying down on the bed and facing away from A6D. "I hate him. I hate him more than anything else."

A6D stayed silent for a while. They really do hate each other that much, huh?

"I see..." was all A6D could say.


Bad stopped his tracks just outside the hospital.

"The nerve of that Skeppy..." Bad thought, "I took the time to visit him and he just..."

Bad sighed, "I hate him... I hate him so much..."

Bad calls for a cab to take him back home.

Once he arrives, he changes back to his house clothes and turns his computer on, to see if the Dream Team are still texting, which they are.

═══1:47 pm, December 14, 2020═══

hey guys
i'm back

speedrun god
hey bad
did something happen to skeppy earlier?

Bad froze. How does Dream know about that?!

how do you know that?

a6d told sapnap and sapnap told us


"Oh my goodness." Bad facepalms, "Dangit, A6D! I swear, A6D and Sapnap are like best friends now-"

oh my goodness

speedrun god
well bad?

ok fine
skeppy got in a car accident and broke his leg

wait srsly?!

u went to the hospital, right bad?

i did but skeppy didnt want me around
so i left immediately

u 2 srsly need to make up already

not happening

come on bad

i hate him, ok?

speedrun god
do u rlly hate him THAT much?

u know what
i'm just gonna go
i don't feel like talking anymore

fine bad
we'll see u tomorrow ok?


cya bad

speedrun god
bye bad

Bad turned his computer off, then he fell flat on his bed.

He's just annoyed. Why doesn't anybody understand?

Skeppy and Bad hates each other. That's all there is. And yet, their friends try to get them back together.

Zak and Darryl's friendship was just not meant to be.

After all, it was broken so long ago. And it hadn't recovered since.

The very little nice things they did, like that one time in Bed Wars and the plushies in the arcade,

It means nothing.


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