Agent A113

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"Wake up Agent A113."

It hurt. Your body, your mind, everything.

You tried to will your eyes to open but it seemed like they were taped shut.

"Agent A113, I won't ask you again."

The man's voice sounded deep and gruff. 

'Probably in his twenties or so.'

"AGENT A113. We can and will dispose of you so get up."

You felt your body move into a seated position without you controlling it.

"...Good. You proved to be of some use. Now open your eyes."

Your eyes felt like they were being ripped open.

The Rheum around the corners on your eyelids were crusty and hard.

As soon as you opened your eyes, you found a middle aged man with jet-black hair and gray steel orbs staring right back at you.

"Agent A113, My name is Jax Calum. I am in the Military and my Rank is a Lieutenant Colonel-

My Classification is a Field Officer. It's very nice to meet you."

You nodded back in response.

As you were opening your mouth to speak, coughs racked though your chest making it difficult to breathe.

"Hold on, I'll get some water for you."

He marched over to the water fountain with a plastic cup filling it up to the rim.

Lieutenant Calum sauntered over to you and placed the cup into your outstretched hand.

"Please don't linger with the water to long. I have a mission for you, and it needs to be accomplished quickly."

Eyes shining in understanding, you gulped down the rest of the water and placed it on the desk to your right.

"Alright then, please follow me. I'll show you what you need to do-..."


"-Agent A113."


Word meanings in bold:


Rheum dries and gathers as a crust in the corners of the eyes or the mouth, on the eyelids, or under the nose. It is formed by a combination of mucus (in the case of the eyes, consisting of mucin discharged from the cornea or the conjunctiva), nasal mucus, blood cells, skin cells, or dust.


To saunter is to stroll at a leisurely pace. A verb of unconfirmed origin, saunter means to "walk with a leisurely gait." As a noun, saunter describes that leisurely gait.


1. To remain persistently or for a longer time than anticipated- Spend a long time over,(something).

(Agent A113 does not count as a Bold word, I made that up myself and it's just to keep suspicion ya know?)

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