Momo's special treat

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Izuku squeezed threw the door to escape Ashido, now he hopes Yaoyorozu will be better help. She is currently reading a book on her bed. Izuku had to get her attention, so he jumped up to her bed and attempted to hop onto the book hoping she spots him while reading. Unfortunately he overshot and landed in her cleavage. His face goes red with embarrassment as he tries to climb out. That is until a hand came down and grabbed him, and he was face to face with an angry Yaoyorozu.

Momo was reading one of her favorite books, Harry Potter the Prisoner of Azkaban. She enjoyed the series for its mystical it is and she really like Hermione. As she read however, she could smell something absolutely delicious. She didn't know what it was but gained a sudden urge to find it and eat it.

She then felt something hit her chest and slide down her cleavage, oddly enough the smell came from there as well. She felt struggling and realized it was alive. Now embarrassed and a little angry, she reached in and pulled out a tiny person. After a closer look, she realized who it was.

"Midoriya?!" Momo said surprised. "What are you doing in here, and why are you so small?"

"I'm sorry Yaoyorozu, I was hit with a shrinking quirk and when I asked Ashido for help she swallowed me. I wasable to get out but she looking for me to do it again so I hid in here. I didn't mean to jump into your cleavage, I swear!" Izuku rapid fired.

Momo was a little surprised to hear the boy was eaten by her friend but with how he smells, she couldn't blame her. 'Well, he isn't one to do this on purpose, but I can't just let this go unpunished.' She thought to herself as Midoriya looks more and more appetizing the longer she looks at him. 'Maybe I can, no one will know. And I satisfy this odd craving.'

"Well, I'm sorry Midoriya, but I can't let this go unpunished." Yaoyorozu said as she hoisted Izuku above her head. "And as your punishment, you will serve some time in my stomach."

Izuku was terrified once again, her too?! Something isn't right here. Ashido maybe, but Yaoyorozu wouldn't even dream of doing something so cruel. She let go and dropped Izuku into her mouth. It wasn't as hot as Ashido's but it oddly smelled nice. Her tongue was gentle and somehow made Izuku feel calm and safe even though he knows he isn't. Unlike Ashido, Yaoyorozu took her time savouring Izuku before swallowing. once she was done, Yaoyorozu tilted her head slowly and let gravity do the rest. Izuku knew he was be swallowed but didn't fight back due to whatever it was in Yaoyorozu's mouth to keep him calm.

With a final 'gulp', Momo trailed Izuku down her throat and rubbed her belly when she felt him reach it. "Brp. Oh 'giggle' excuse me." Momo said a little embarrass. "Now, you better not try and escape, I wouldn't want to chew you next time." She then continued her book as Izuku bangs on her stomach walls.

Izuku once again is in the stomach of his friend, this time it was Yaoyorozu. It's obvious that, because of her quirk, she would most likely have the strongest stomach of the class other then Sato, so getting her to throw up was a no go. Her stomach was filled to the brim with food, Izuku couldn't even see the the floor. She had to have eaten something useful to Izuku. But unfortunately, there was nothing, unlike Ashido, she there wasn't any bugs she might've swallowed by accident. But he kept looking, there had to be something, ANYTHING, to save him.

Two hours later and Izuku still couldn't find anything. He was sitting in a fetal position with a depressed look on his face. "So this is it, huh?" He said to himself. "I just end up as food for a girl in my class, at least I'm not completely useless."

Yaoyorozu went to sleep and her stomach started filling with acid. Knowing there was no way out, he didn't move as the acid started to dissolve him. Everything went dark for Izuku, it was like this for hours until a light started to flicker. Thinking it was the gates to haven he went towards it. However, rather being greeted by god, he came flying out of Yaoyorozu's midsection and landed on the floor of the training grounds.

"M-Midoriya?" Momo said surprised, she wasn't expecting the boy she ate to just pop out of her quirk. "You used my quirk to remake your body?"

"I'm alive?!" Izuku said happy to have survived. He then looked at Yaoyorozu only to see the look of hunger she gave before she ate him.

"So this means you can't die in my stomach." Yaoyorozu said in a predatory manner. "How about another trip? I promise it'll be just as if not more nice then before."

Although he did enjoy the first part and now knew that her quirk would remake him, Izuku didn't want to test that and ran. Yaoyorozu chasing him the same way Ashido did. Izuku is starting to think this quirk he was hit with has some kind of negative effect that turns girls into tiny boy eaters.

He escapes Yaoyorozu in the training field and was about to leave when all of a sudden, he's grabbed again and held in a pocket.

"Sorry Midoriya, but after hearing Ashido's little rumors and getting a whiff of your scent myself, I just had to catch you." A familiar voice said. "And once we get to lunch, you're all mine."

Izuku recognized the voice as class 1A's local punk-rock girl Kyoka Jirou. And now she wants him in her stomach too.

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