The first day

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Hi my name is Charlotte and this is a story of something I love. So it's school half term tomorrow and I just finished school and I'm walking home. I need to poop I haven't in two days you see I like to poop myself it's so fun well I think it is anyways but I don't get to do it a lot coz I live with my mum and my seven year old sister. I'm 15 so as you can tell I don't get a lot of chances but I've been trying to hold my poop for tomorrow because my mum will be at work all morning and afternoon and my sister will be at my cousins for the day so I could do my special deed then. I don't know if I can hold it till then tho I need to poop decently bad now while walking home from school but I kept it inside. 

I walk inside my house after unlocking the door and I see my mum on the sofa. 

Time skip

Omg I have the house to myself till next Sunday since my sister is going to be at my cousins all week and my mums going to be at a friends two hours away as well. I have a entire week to just mess myself without a worry of being caught doing it this was going to be the best week ever.

I went to sleep early straight after having my dinner since I wanted to try and keep my poop in for tomorrow's fun. I fell asleep pretty quickly and the next thing I know I wake up on Saturday at ten in the mornin with my shit wanting out. I couldn't right now because I didn't know if the house was clear all I need to do was go to my sisters room because if she wasn't in there then I would know my mum has dropped her off and gone as well.

I walk out of my room and open my sisters door empty she wasn't in there and there was a piece of paper on her table saying love u stay safe from my mum. I was so happy I walked back to my room and put my white panties on I didn't mind them staining and getting ruined I had to many anyways. Some blue jeans a crop top and a hoodie on as well and I knew I could release so I just walked out of my room and relaxed as I was walking down the stairs. Instantly I felt my poop start to come out and in to my panties slowly filling them nearly three days worth of poop starting to fill them up at the start it was pretty solid but getting to them end it was getting softer but not liquidy soft. Around a minute later I was done a smell emitted from my rear and a visible  bulge at the back of my jeans showed. I was in pure happiness I could do what I wanted for a week and not worry I shook my but a bit and felt everything jiggle at the back and you could hear it sloshing a bit. I was so happy I just carried on walking feeling it move side to side as I walked I was so happy. After releasing my deed I was saving I felt hungry so I walked to the kitchen to see what I could eat. I saw cheese bread butter i instantly just screamed in my head cheese on toast. I live in England so this is normal for us the one issue with it tho is I sometimes don't always have the best of tummy's after eating dairy but I was home alone it tastes amazing and I already have a big pile of poop in my panties with a bulge showing in my jeans so why not so in goes the toast into the toaster and got everything else ready. Two minute later and I had for slices of cheese on toast with more than normal amounts on it.

As I was about to take my first bite I thought of something I never had sat down with poop in my pants before because I was scared it would stain and I would get caught buttttttt no one is here so why not so I got to the table pulled out a chair and lowered myself down . Omg why didn't I do this sooner I felt it all move up to the front up the back and even outwards a bit in my pants the feeling was heavenly so I just sat there eating my toast away.

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