iv. something fishy

Start from the beginning

His 'cat' eyes narrowed and he thinks he noticed.

"So, I know what's best to do with you so I don't have anymore of these. . . memories. . .," Dumbledore said darkly. He raised his wand. "Avada Ked-"

Grindelwald suddenly disappeared. Thank Merlin to whoever did that.

He landed in my granddaughter's hands.

'Oh what do you know? Merlin's descendant literally took me away,' He thought.

"I almost died but thanks to you, I didn't." Grindelwald thanked through the mind link.

He jumps out of her grasp and turn into my human form. He looks around and noticed the odd, dark place we're at.

"Where the bloody hell are we? How did you get out of Hogwarts?" Grindelwald asked quietly.

"I don't know. Mors whisked me to over here. We're following an imposter Moody, known as Barty Crouch Jr." Iris explains quietly, crouching down and walking a bit. He sighs and listens in.

"My lord," Barty kneels in front of Tom.

"Up," Tom commands in a croaky voice.

"I have some news that you would defiantly like to know about  Lady Potter-Krum, my lord," Barty says nervously.


"She can apparently speak Parseltongue. Her brother as well, I believe. He seemed to understand her when she hissed at him," Barty informs, licking the side of his mouth. An obvious nervous habit.

Grindelwald looked at Iris. He was concerned that people were observing her. If it kept up, her "little" secret could get out.

Death appeared. He started talking to Iris in some unknown―at least to Gellert Grindelwald― language. It sounded like moans of terror but Grindelwald knew that she would eventually tell him what language―if it even is one―she was speaking to Death. Their conversation was suddenly interrupted.

"The blood of the person who defied me. . . I believe we could use young Iris to help me," Tom's croaky voice said.

"Aren't you two meeting her at that ball their doing?"

"Yes, my lord, but would it be wise for her to know about you so early? She was raised to believe you were evil," A voice said.

"Oh, but that why it's a good idea. She was raised with the Krum family, taught under Karkaoff," Tom explained. "Barty!" He hissed. "Didn't you say something about Dumbledore finding out who she is?" Barty nodded.

"~Tomling someone is here. Hiding behind the wall,~" Nagini hissed.

"Show yourselves!" Tom demanded and Nagini slithered over to the wall, getting ready to attack.

Just as the long snake was about to attack, Mors whisked them all away, leaving one of his shadows that serve him to watch them.

"Bloody hell. . . What do they want with me? Who even are they?" Iris asked.

She turned to Mors, but he had left. Iris sighed but didn't bother calling him, knowing he was busy. Grindelwald quickly turned into his cat form, even though no one can see him in his human form.

"Think it's best not to worry about this," Grindelwald said through the mind link.

"But I can't the snake said Tomling. . . Something fishy is going on and I will figure out what it is," Iris unintentionally said harshly. She walked away from the library, quickly going to "Moody's" office.

Unknown to her, Harry was watching her on the map. He was sitting in the Room of Requirement with Fred, George, Neville and Draco.

"Who are you stalking this time?" Draco joked, sitting next to Harry.

Harry looked at like he was dumb.

"What? I don't know who you're stalking. I'm just curious," Draco huffed.

"I bet Harry is stalking some girl! Cho Chang was it?" The Weasley Twins said in sync.

Draco looked hurt for a second. He looked at the map and found the one person he could talk to. So, he got up and without saying goodbye, walked to an abandoned corridor.

On the way he somehow ran into the 'cat' and asked for him to get Iris. He waited for ten minutes, scowling before Iris appeared.

"What's got your wand in a knot, Dray?" Iris asked, noticing his scowl.

"I don't know. I was hanging out with some err. . . friends and I think I got jealous," Draco sighed. "This is stupid never mind."

Iris sighed and hugged him. "It's not stupid, Dray," Iris whispered in his ear.

He buried his head into her neck and shoulder. "You can't keep this bottled up or you're eventually going to explode," Iris whispered, rubbing his back.

Harry, under his invisibility cloak, got jealous, an odd feeling for him. He had come when he saw Draco bury his head in her shoulder and neck. From the angle where he stood, it looked like Draco was kissing her neck. He didn't know how to feel seeing his best friend and twin sister like this. He stormed off, going into Myrtle's bathroom, into the Chamber. He released his magic, destroying the snake statues.

'Why did I feel so jealous when I saw them? He has a right to do whatever he wants. It's not like we've ever snogged. Wait. Am I jealous? But why? There's nothing going on between us,' Harry thought.

It would be an understatement to say Harry was just frustrated. He was feeling too many emotions at once. It didn't help when the Weasley twins made him feel disgusted joking about how he like the fifth year Ravenclaw. He was swelling up with too many emotions, the main one being jealousy. The emotions soon became overwhelming and he passed out.

𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐔𝐋 (Tom Riddle) [ 𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗨𝗘𝗗 ]  BEING REWRITTEN!!Where stories live. Discover now