louis get insecure

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warnings: talk about body image
word count: 908 words

thank you so much for 400 followers! i really appreciate it:)

no ones pov:
louis sat at the counter of his family's home thinking

thinking about himself, not in a selfish way but he was thinking about his body

louis comments were filled to the brim of girl complementing him but that didn't make his insecurities go away it made them worse

he was worried about y/n and what she thought about him.

he was scared she wouldn't love him anymore.

Louis got up from the counter and went up to his room, he went to the bathroom and his eyes scanned over his face, louis lifted up his sweatshirt and looked over his body

"Louis! y/n's here!!" he heard his sister yell

louis dropped the part of his sweatshirt he was holding and fixed his hair

he opened the bathroom door to see y/n holding something for him

as y/n walked into the room, she closed the door and looked up to see louis

louis was one of y/n's happiness, y/n's eyes soften

"i got you something!" y/n said in a soft voice

"thank you! what is it?" louis asked walking over to his girlfriend

she handed him a book (idk what book to put so it's just book)

"aww thank you so much!" louis said hugging y/n

y/n knew something was wrong by his face expressions but she didn't know how to ask

"w-what's wrong?" y/n blurted on accident

louis looked down at y/n fast "w-what? nothings wrong." louis lied

"you talk fast like that when you are lying, did i do something wrong?" y/n asked

louis shook his head "no no, you didn't do anything, it's me." louis said scaring y/n

"oh umm, what did you do?" y/n said nervously

y/n wasn't the one to cry in-front of people, even tho she was thinking of bad things and was hurt by what she was thinking.
y/n taught herself how to stop herself from crying

"it's nothing it's just me." louis said he looked up at y/n

she looked scared, he didn't know what's she was thinking. louis got nervous, he didn't want to tell his girlfriend that he doesn't like the way he looks

"you seem scared.." louis said making y/n
go back to her normal face expression

"me no, i'm ok. i understand if you don't want to talk about what happened or what you did. can you just please tell you didn't like umm c-cheat.." y/n asked now more nervous

louis shook his head fast "no,no that's not happened. please don't think that. i'm now realizing my words might have made you think certain things but i didn't cheat." louis explained

y/n nodded her head and played with the rings on her fingers

she looked down while louis sat on his bed, louis seemed like he didn't want her there so she made up an accuse to leave

she looked at her phone "i have to go, but i hope you like the book. umm talk to you later, have a good day!" y/n said leaving the room

but soon opened the door again, she kissed louis's forehead "i love you bye."
y/n said leaving

the door shut, "i love you too." louis said quietly
*next day*
no ones pov:
louis asked y/n to come over so he can finally tell y/n what's wrong with him

"i don't like the way i look, i may seem like i do but i don't." louis blurted out

y/n looked at louis in surprise

"and it has nothing to do with you and how i love you but idk ig i just don't like my body, i look in the mirror and i just see this." louis said

y/n sat next to louis on his bed

most of the time when louis is sad, y/n will hold his jaw because it's conforming to him

but she didn't today, she put her hands in her lap "would you like to hear how i see you?" y/n asked

"yes please." louis responded

"i see-" y/n started but cut herself off

y/n was going to talk about his looks but said this..

"no, louis i don't care what you look like, matter of fact i could care less. what i see is your humble personality. i see someone who very smart and respectful. louis i truly don't care what you look like. it's your body. when i look at you, yes i see someone who is very handsome but i also see someone who is funny and a respectful person." y/n explained to her boyfriend

"t-thank you." louis said as some tear came down his face

y/n lifted his head and wiped his tears

"do you need me to do anything to help you?" y/n asked

louis nodded his head "hold me please."

y/n laid down and held louis, after a while the couple fell asleep

soft snores coming from louis, while y/n held him quietly sleeping

should i do a short q&a? -since i know have 400 followers

i would do it on my message board

comment no or yes please

have a good day everyone !!

have a good day everyone !!

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