4:57 PM - kim taeyoung [fluff]

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[ timestamp, drabble ]

4:57 PM

impatient taps were done. the lecturer's voice droning on and on, the fast beating in your chest becoming a barrier to any other sound. it had seemed to muffle the room's noise. your mind floating, jumping from a scenario to another.

just when will this class end? you thought as you looked at the clock for the nth time. your seatmate probably suspicious of your antics, in their mind they were probably thinking about how eager you were to go home.

well, they weren't exactly wrong. there was nothing else you'd probably wanted at that moment but to get out of the room. what action to follow was still something unknown to you though.

with the slight fuss, nothing of trouble, you made earlier. you wished that the ground could just break open, swallow you alive; away from the sheer embarrassment that had been crawling in your skin.

the confused look in taeyoung as you uttered a confession to him. he even pointed at himself to make sure that you were referring to him. as if there were any other taeyoung standing next to him.

but even before you can hear a reply from him whether it be a rejection or a reciprocation, the universe had found its way to disrupt the momentum. your friend who almost dragged you out of the scene as if a help sent to you just for you to get out of the awkward confession arrived. you still had classes. how timely.

a sigh left your lips, wondering about what taeyoung was supposed to say. was he to reject you? was he actually about to say that he likes you too? the thought opened up frustration that made you groan.

good thing, the bell rang right after and your frustration got masked.

a realization.

you had to go out. now.

am i ready to face him? you repetitively pondered. you thought earlier was the fastest your heart can beat, but no, it was just the minimum it could. as soon as you stepped out of your classroom, bag slung on your back, your heart was pounding like crazy. cold sweat trickling down and your stomach flipped— if it was because of butterflies or stomach virus, you weren't exactly sure.

to look for taeyoung or to rush and get out of the campus— two choices, something you weighed long enough. you chose the latter.

big steps were done as you walked on the pathway that connected the building of the lecture rooms to the gate. as you were doing so you came to an abrupt halt when a hand wrapped around your wrist.

looking at the student, a warm feeling spread upon your cheeks. kim taeyoung was holding your wrist, his other hand on his knee as if to support him to stand. he was panting. did... he just ran his way to you?

did kim taeyoung just run his way to stop you from going home?

taeyoung straightened up; and this time, instead of running wild in your chest, your heart skipped a beat— breath taken away.

"y/n, i like you too."

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