"Look at you! Aren't you pretty—your owner should be around somewhere right?" You said looking around to find the station completely empty.

"You must be an alley cat then...no worries I don't have anywhere special to be today. Just a few stops." You rambled on before motioning for the feline to jump into your bag.

"There we go erm—I'll have to give you a name later on." You both sat down on the train before the doors closed and your destination was set into motion.

The quiet train ride gave you time to clear your head of any worries or concerns. Being alone wasn't that bad, well until the train stopped signaling you to get off.

"Okay kitty stay quiet while I bring this box inside." You shuffled off the train and up the stairs to continue to your office.

Entering the mellow building you proceeded towards your boss's office to place down the box. "Is that all sir?" Simply nodding his head as you walked out of the room.

"Doppo?" You stared at the familiar man now carrying a load of binders and what seemed as more paperwork than he'd get assigned in two years.

"H-hi [ name ]!" The man shouted over mass amounts of paperwork.

"You need some help there Doppo chan?" You took some of the binders off the pile.

"Thanks...so much work..." He heavily sighed.

"Hey this is assigned to Tachibana why do you have this?" You inspected the binder's surname.

"Yeah some of my co-workers needed me to do their work they're busy...."

"Don't be a pushover Doppo you're better than that! Here, I'll help you with this work but don't take in other's work that they're supposed to do themself!"

"Okay." He sighed in defeat walking with you back to his desk.

"Sheesh and here I thought I'd be off for the day! Hmm hm you make my life hard Ka-no-no-zaka."

"Ah-forgive me for troubling you!"

"I was just joking around Doppo let's get to work!"

As bad as work can be it was surprisingly fun working with Doppo. A few jokes and disses towards your boss and you had already completed half of the assignments.

"I'm going to go get some water want anything Doppo?"

"Could I have water too?"

"Yeah sure I'll be right back!"

A few minutes and two water bottles later you were back and working on the last bit of work piled up from his co-workers. "This should be the last of it let's go I'm hungry!"

"Ah I have to turn these in though!" He began to gather all the binders. "Yeah yeah I'll wait for you out front and we'll go eat how about it?"

"Okay thank you [ name ] I'll be right back." He disappeared running to turn work in faster.

"You alright there Buddy?" You whispered to the cat asleep in your bag. About a few minutes of waiting and the tired redhead came out of the building. "Where did you want to eat [ name ] ?" He asked following your walking path.

"Hm I didn't go grocery shopping so we should probably go out and eat something before the stores close."

"We could get a lunch box from the convenience store near the train station." Doppo suggested as you both came close to the transit central.

"Oh yeah-sure I love the pink lemonade they sell there it's not too sweet but it's also not too sour either it's just perfect!" You ranted and opened the door for the both of you.

"Good evening!" The cashier bowed slightly.

"Heyo!" You waved off the friendly gesture and headed straight towards the food section to pick out your dinner for the night and a singular can of cat food.

"What box are you going to get [ name ] there is a lot of good ones!"

"Hmm I'll go with this one it looks aesthetically pleasing y'know?"

"I don't...but it looks good I'll get the teriyaki bowl."

"Ah okay so is that all or did you want something else Doppo?" You asked placing the items on the counter for the cashier to scan.

"O-oh no thank you for paying for me I owe you."

"It's nothing Doppo chan now let's go I think the train is set to leave soon, thank you sir, bye!" You both dashed out of the store after saying bye to the polite cashier.


"I can't believe it took so long to do all that work Doppo." You nudged him.

"Oh yeah it normally takes me longer by myself so I get home relatively late.."

"Hm and what about your roommate what time does he get off from his job?"

"I'm not sure exactly but he isn't home now he works as a host why do you ask?"

"Great we can eat at my apartment!" You said just as the train stopped

"Are you sure!?" His face flushed a bright red.

"Yeah man let's go I swear my apartment is clean so no worries!"

You dashed off the train with his hand entangled with yours almost forgetting about your new furry friend that had been eating the leftover granola bar you left in your bag.

You dashed off the train with his hand entangled with yours almost forgetting about your new furry friend that had been eating the leftover granola bar you left in your bag

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Word count : 1077
Mood : I'm feeling relieved
I get Friday off school so I'm chilling
Hope u enjoyed

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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