I walked out and went to elsa's room

I sat next to her and grabbed her hand and caressing her cheek "I'll make your dream come true" I kissed her back palm



"Elsaaaa!!!!" I heard a high pitch voice squealing

Seriously? This is still early, I bet it is waayyy toooooo early to wake me up

"Elsa wake up! Wake up!" I don't even know who is that

One thing for sure whole gang were here

"Elsa wake up!" that person shook me

I groaned and muttered "what?" sleepily

"Wake up! We'll going" a person said

"Where? I just need a sleep here, you know a sleeping beauty model" I replied sleepily

"Hey agreste, your friend" and that is alya I knew that haha!

"Just open you damn eyes! All of us being forced early in the morning to fetch you"

"Let me handle this"

That person lean closer and whispered in my ear "love you hun, wake up now" and that is jack

I slowly open my eyes and jack's face on top of my face. I shoved away his face and sit up rubbing my eyes

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed

"Get you out from this white freaking room" astrid said

Wow, all of them are really good at bad words even anna, just me the one who still afraid of saying those kind of words

"Where?" I asked

"Someplace" punzie said

"Go and change hun" jack gave a quick peck on my lips

"Jelsa moment is over, now elsa" anna handed me a clothes

I just groaned and go into the bathroom. I took a quick shower and get out

"Now let's go?" mari asked

"Yep" I said


So now we're at a big apartment and there's a name tag for each room. A couple name tag, it's cute

"So what's this place?" I asked

"It's a gang apartment" adrien answered

"We gonna spend a whole week here and hang out together" hiccup ruffled his hair

"Oohh, it's nice, but I don't take any clothes" I said

"Don't worry we packed all of your clothes" astrid said

"What? How?"

"We have kristoff here, who is good at hacking things" anna said

"So, we asked him to hack all of the hotel's CCTV near here" jack continued

Wow. Just wow

"Insane" I said

"Let's just relaxed a bit and we talk a random things or whatever" mari offered

"Sure" all of us went to different direction

"Elsa! Your room with a 'jelsa' name tag" adrien said


I took my suitcase from them and walked toward the room and began to unpack my things


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