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--Seven months later--

"Those were the days I feel so loved.

Those were the days I've been confused with my own emotions.

Those were the days I chose not to take the risk.

Those were the days I left my heart to the person who unexpectedly stole it.

I miss him.

I love him.

I wanna be with him.

But those... were just the days."

As I ended my speech in our English presentation, I heard the applauses my classmates gave but I could also feel the hot liquid that fell in my eye.

But before anyone could notice, I wiped it away. Just like my poem, those should be JUST the days.

But... I wonder how's he doing?

"EEEEHHHK!" I hear someone gasp in excitement. So I turned my gaze to that person.

It's Petal, my K-Popper friend.

"Omo Ahn Jae Hyun Oppa is soooo handsome!" She screamed and I felt like my heart stopped for a moment.

Ever since I left Korea, I never tried seeking informations about him. I have to do that if I don't want to suddenly find myself taking a plane ticket to Korea. It's already hard enough for me to leave.

"Who is that Petal?" Another classmate asked.

"Ahn Jae Hyun. He's a famous actor, model, and MC! My Super Junior Oppas performed today at M! Countdown and he's the MC. Hihi He's looking good!"

I tried so hard to look away and ordered my feet to step away but Ugh it's so hard to do!

"Ehk! Leeteuk Oppa asked if He (Jae Hyun) has a girlfriend todaaaay! Omo Omo!"

With that, I was stunned. And I can't deny that I am really curious about what could be his answer.

"Well..." I hear his voice and yes, he's speaking in english!

"Omo it's english!" Petal screamed...again.

"Nan. Yeoja chingu obseo." I heard him said.

"Petal what did he said?!" A classmate asked.

"Can't you read? There's a subtitle! But anyways he said he doesn't have a girlfriend WAAAAAH!"

And I also can't deny that I feel really relieved when I heard Petal's translation. He doesn't have a girlfriend! Omg!

So what Anna? Do you really think he still loves you? Lol

With that thought, my heart sank. Yeah. It's been seven months after all.

"But. I'm pretty in love with someone out there." I heard him said again before he laughed.

"Omo. Omo omo omo! That's english and and and he said he's in love with someone!"

And before I could hear more of Petal's overreaction, I left the room with a smile.

The end.


Hey guys! I told you it was just a one shot type but I separated the ending. Haha. I'm sorry but I am not sorry. Pfft. Lol. But seriously, I hope you kinda like how the story goes. :)

Thanks for reading!


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