Where everything started

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From the very start nobody says that love is easy nor falling in love would be heartache free but maybe I was too busy with my curiosity that I neglected all of their advises. My name is Anna Bella Hogan and I fell in love with the prettiest guy I had ever met. Yes, he's pretty and handsome. :)

"Hey Anna have you decided where you'll spent your vacation?" That is my best friend, Lilibeth Frans.

"Hmm. I don't really know yet. I want something new and fun. Maybe somewhere in Asia?" I said smiling that caused her to gasp.

"Asia? Oh C'mon Anna that is too far. You're here in Canada and you're planning to spend 2 months in Asia?" And yes I'm a Canadian.

"What? That is not a bad idea. I have countries in my mind already. Korea? Japan? Taiwan? Thailand? Philippines? Singapore? See,there are lots of nice places there! Omg I'm so excited!"

Now that I had think about it, I must spend my vacation productively and full of fun!

"I can see that. But do you really think your parents will allow you? I know they are very supportive but Asia?" I smiled at her.

"Uh Oh. My best friend is such a worry freak. haha. Don't worry. I got their permission already. So all I have to do is say my final decision." I heard her sigh and I only laugh at her.

"What about you?"

"I'm going to Greece." She simply stated but I can hear her excitement too.

"Oh really? So ya gonna meet up with your K'ostas baby?"

She had been chatting with a Greek guy for few months already and I think they are hitting it off. I'm happy for her. :') As a result to my teasing, she blushes real hard. Such a cutie.

We decided to have a slumber party--Just the two of us. This will be the last week we'll be together for now since Vacation is coming and we're off to different places.

"Hey Lily. I saw this article AllKpop and it's kinda nice. Giving me informations about their artists there and oh they have lots of hot guys!"

I screamed when I saw the post of a guy in a topless. I read his name. "Choi Siwon" Oh well it suits his look very well.

Lily came to look at too and she also agreed with me saying that that Siwon guy is hot.

"It's decided. I'm going to South Korea!" I declared.

I saw her shaking her head. "It's not like someone can stop you." I grinned at her sentiments.


After a very long teavel, the plane finally landed in South Korea, Incheon Airport. "Hello Korea!" I screamed and everyone looked at me like I'm a crazy person but eventually went back to their own lives.

I look at the map in my hands. First I have to go to the hotel I'm gonna stay for months. Kingdom Hotel. I found it on the internet and it's a high class hotel. Lots of tourists and citizens rated it as best too.

I'm on the entrance of the hotel already checking in when someone bump into me and caused me to fall.

"Ouch!" I cried. I fell really fast and hard. I think I'll get a bruise.

"Mianhamnida. Neo gwaenchanayo?"

The guy helped me to stand up but sadly, he is speaking alien. ㅠ ㅠ Maybe he doesn't realized that I'm a foreigner since I don't have an american built.

"English only please."

I said while standing up. I came unprepared. I'm such a fool. Koreans speak korean and I don't even know a single korean word! Ugh.

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