That was a long time a ago stop bring things up that already happen

It true though

I left the church and I walked all the way to my house and I cried myself to sleep

On Monday I went to the school and I saw most wanted poster

Most wanted for lying

I took it crumpled it up and my face turned beat red

I went to franey

I'm sorry you kicked out of the play

This is bullshit

I didn't make the decision

I ran up the stairs

I busted my theology teacher door down

What the fucking is going on

Wow back up

You made me lose my spot in the play

I'm sorry I didn't lie to my school

Wow you did this on purpose do you like me

I do if you just don't lie to me

Wow the only reason I got that part was because I'm the only boy of the school we're doing Dear Evan Hansen as the play

Oh okay good luck

Thank you

I went and put my strip shirt and wrap my arm in cast

I stood behind the doors nervous

In 321

Have you ever felt so alone but no one noticed you my names is Evan Hansen this how my lie caused one of my closest friends to commit suicide.

I looked through the crowd I saw my dad

I just froze in place

You okay


I tense up

My teacher step in front of my dad

I suggest your leave it goes badly

No let me talk to my son



He inches forward

Get away from me

He handed me check

This money is for your transition surgery. After hearing what your classmate thought of you

How does mom feel

I'm fine honey

My dad handed me a teddy bear

I pressed it was my mother heart beat

Where is this mother heart beat

Your mom dead

You tell me now

What do you expect

I don't know

Good bless of fucking America do you really I want to know when I'm about to do the most important play of my life

Good luck

You know I'm done you wanted me off the cast this whole time I ran off the stage with tears streaming down my face

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