⚜ Chapter Twenty-Six: Mirror ⚜

Start from the beginning

"It's gone off earlier than I thought," she remarked. Ray ran up to her, panicked for once in his life.

"What do we do?!" he asked. "We're still a good distance from the bridge."

Emma glanced around, before catching sight of a particular part of a cliff. Beckoning the others with her hand, she rand over to the point where the tiniest of a cliff reached the wall.

"We're going to cross to the other side from here," she instructed. Ray blinked.

"The cliff?! But [Name] said-"

"That we'd have to escape through the bridge, right?" Emma cut him off. "But that's what anyone would expect. [Name] told Norman where to escape - she didn't tell me in case our letters were discovered. She couldn't have Mom know everything."

The ginger turned to Don, Thoma, and Lani, all prepared. "Whenever you're ready, guys!"

Gilda smiled at Ray. "Don't worry. We trained a lot."

Ray stared at him. "...Trained?" he managed out.

Don stepped up first, holding a rope tied to three others, the three extending ropes each holding a rock - in short, a bola. Raising it above his head, he swung it around faster and faster, until he finally threw it, the rocks encircling a tree trunk securely. 

"Nat!" he called behind him. The redhead yelled back, already tying the other end of the rope to a tree on the Grace Field side. Slowly and apprehensively, the escapees watched as the rope tightened, throwing their fists in the air and cheering when it did.

"Emma," Ray stuttered, not believing what was happening. "Are we really...?"

"It's okay," the ginger assured. "As long as one person can cross, we'll be fine."

Ray turned to see Don jump off the cliff, suspended in the air by a single clothesline. "Wait, hey!"

Don paid no heed, sliding over the deep ravine, keeping his eyes ahead until he disappeared from sight. After what seemed like an eternity, he popped up, a lit lantern in hand and waving his other arm.

"Yes!" The children cheered, jumping up and down.

"Okay, we're up!" Thoma and Lani held up two water-bottle rockets, ropes tied to the ends of them as well. "Ready, set, go!"

They flew up into the air, trails of water following them like waterfalls. As soon as they fell into the treetops, Don quickly tied them to surrounding trees as well. He picked up the lantern as soon as he was done.

"All right, let's go!" he cheered.

Immediately, Nat slid from his spot on the tree and into the forest, calling out at Ray as he slid past. "See you, Ray!"

"The hell?" Ray muttered in confusion, watching his fellow escapees run over to the ropes. One by one, they slid over the gaping cliff with little to no fair. Under normal circumstances, they would've never been able to do this. And yet, here they were, so efficient as if they had been training their entire lives to do this. They were calm and confident.

It was almost scary.

Then again, they had been training for the past two months.

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