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Louis POV:
I ran down the stairs as i wiped my tears i was about to leave my home town were i was born, grew up, and made friends and now i was about to leave. Just like that. I was also not in a great emotional state because the reason why I was moving was my parents, they had divorced and my mother didn't want us anymore we were just some other kids that she had produced (eyeroll)
"LOUIS, ISSIE this will be you first day you can not be late for school!" Dad said in his thick British accent. I am glad i got my father's genes. god must have put consideration into my making.
"Issie pulled into The parking lot of "The Muffin Parlour." And hopped out. I had just gotten used to my surroundings but now i was very uncomfortable.
"No please i was going to get a mocha but they ran out of coffee beans!" I watched in horror as I witnessed a girl get soaked in boiling hot tea and yanked into the car by a young looking man. "Despicable." I muttered under my breath. Next thing you know i was at there car door yelling at a complete stranger and rushing the girl out of the car she had gotten forced into. I did not tolerate such behaviour but there was one thing i kept forgetting this was David and Goliath but I forgot my stones. "AHH." Everything went black.

Authors note
I write two chapters a day cause of my tight schedule for the holidays thanks for reading ❤️

Bonjour ElliotTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang