The world's biggest secret

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It had been 1 week since Aric had decided to stay. Kali and Aric were spending a lot of time together and they had just slept together for the first time.

It was early in the morning Kali was getting breakfast ready while Aric was getting ready for the spring market in town tomorrow. Aric breakfasts ready Kali called out the window ill be in soon ok.

As Aric walked in the door Kali was putting the last plate down for breakfast. They sat down and started eating. "um, Aric there something I need to tell you". Aric heard the worry in Kalis Voice. What is it he said Well you know how I said I'm half good half evil?". Yes what about it?" well I think I should tell you who my parents are." "ok he said worriedly " Um well my mother was maleficent" she looked up at Aric's surprised face and um my dad um he was king Arthurs brother." Arics mouth dropped. Then he frowned wait so that means Tedros is your," "yes his my cushion I should have told you sooner but I don't I embarrassed by my family" she looked at Aric And was surprised because he seemed to understand" well it's not like my family was any better. He said and went back to eating. Um there's also one more thing Kali said as she stood up but we have to go outside. "Why" unwell I have to show you something. "Ok breakfast will have to wait," Aric said as he stood up and walked outside. Once they were out in the open Aric sat down considered. As Kali took her jumper off and put it not the fence post she hunched her shoulders and all of a sudden there was a big wish and two massive wings unfolded from her back. The feathers were a raven black and her wing span would have been 7 feet long her wings brushed the ground folded up. She looked up at Aric ghostly white face and his shocked violet eyes. Y-you have wings!" yes then she burst into flames Aric went a shade whiter the flames quickly dimed and standing in Kali's place was a 7-foot tall creature with horns just like maleficent coming out of Kalis rich purple hair. Her fingers sharped to a deadly point have turned blood red scales covered her boots turning to big dragon talons and a devil tail sprouted from her lower back, the feathers on her back turn to metal knives and to top it off her canines grow into vampire fangs. She smiled rubbing her head um surprised". Aric fainted "oh dear as she reverted to her human form with two big black wings." she rushed to Arics side cradling his head Aric Aric Wake up." Arics eyes opened they were bloodshot. He stared up at Kali. YOU HAD WINGS AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME!!! Kali winced at his very very raced voice. "Yes, I have wings." that's the curse of being Maleficent's daughter. Aric sat up still ghostly white. Does anyone else know? Waving his hand at the wings no well only my mother but she's dead. "Right ok. While I'm sitting down any other things you need to tell me". "yes two more things." Aric held his head in his hands ready for something terrifying. One when I do and ear-piercing whistle I can call as many dragons as I want "ok" said Aric nodded and two she left a suspenseful silence. I love you she said smiling.  This did nothing to Aric ghostly face. Oh, I wish we could just have had a normal breakfast. 

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