cottage woodlands

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Aric looked up at the kitchen as a waft of whatever kali was cooking parsed his nose his stomach rumbled. He looked at the door as a clink sounded next to him he looked down at a steaming bowl of soup and looked up to see kali disappearing upstairs with her own bowl. Aric picked up the bowl of soup and took a big sip it was good it was his first meal in days. After Aric finished the soup he put the bowl down on the coffee table and went to sleep.

Kali tiptoed downstairs as to not wake Aric up she could fathom why she cared if he got woken up after all he didn't even thank her for the soup when she put it down for him last night. As she walked past Aric she sore he was fast asleep and the bowl that had the soup was squeaking clean. He must have been starving. She picked up the bowl to clean it and made her way into the kitchen to get breakfast ready.

Kali got out all the ingredients to make scrambled eggs, beans and bacon all from her garden well except or the bacon. She got a chair out to get a saucepan out for the eggs and bacon but all the pots and pans came crashing down landing at her feet with one landing on her head. "OW!" she yelled this awoke aric up. He awoke with a start at all the crashing he yelled out to kali "are you alright!" "yes I'm fine" she yelled back "Like you care" she mumbled. 30 minutes later breakfast was plonked in front of aric. "I hope that's enough for you, if you want more let me now you will have to yell out I'll be in the garden". Aric nodded as he stuffed his face. Aric muffled a thank you throw a full mouth. Well, at least his learning manners she said to herself.

As kali wired in the garden aric decide to read a book that was sitting next to him he didn't have anything better to do he tried to stand up earlier but it had hurt so much he fell back onto the couch. As aric read kali walked into the cottage from a busy morning of working in the garden and tending to her many animals. She turned the oven on to get lunch ready.

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