Face masks / Fic 1

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Occasionally the paladins would have days where they were free of any wars or fights, Lance liked to call these his "beauty days".

On one of these days off Pidge was sat in her messy room on her laptop, she was wearing her blue hoodie lance had gotten her for her birthday, she sat on the bed with the hood up and the lights off, the only light was the computer screen and the reflection in her glasses lenses. She squinted towards her bedroom door as it opened and a tall figure appeared in the doorway.
"Pidgey," Lance said as he entered the room, "I'm extremely bored."
"Hi extremely bored I'm Pidge." She replied as she looked back down at her laptop.
"Pidgeyyyyyyyyy" he whined as he flopped beside her, "you know because you love me so much, could we do face masks together?"
Pidge let out a sigh and kept working on her laptop.
"will you stop annoying me afterwards?" She finally replied.
"Yes yes yes." Lance said as he jumped up from the bed, "back in a tic".
Within seconds lance had sprinted out of her door and down the corridor to his room to get his skincare products.
Pidge closed the lid of her laptop and grabbed a hair tie for her fringe, lance walked through her bedroom door and collapsed onto her bean bag and patted beside him. Pidge laughed lightly and took her glasses off of her face and sat beside him, he took the hair tie from her and carefully tied her fringe up and pulled his spare skin care headband over her to keep it back, he then grabbed a gold sheet mask and gently placed it on her face and then put one on his.
Pidge smiled at him and stared at him. He looked down at her and pressed a kiss onto the top of her head. Pidge reached out for her controllers and turned on the tv in her room and turned on the console. She handed a controller to lance and logged onto Minecraft. Lance wrapped an arm around Pidge and cuddled her close to him and held onto his controller. Pidge rested her head on lance's shoulder and the two played Minecraft whilst they waiting for the mask to work.
After 15 minutes lance removed the slimy gold sheets from their faces and launched them into Pidge's bin. He got out the moisturisers out and began moisturising Pidge's face. Pidge smiled softly and how gentle lance was being and occasionally kissed his hand. He let out a light chuckle then moisturised his own face.
"You don't like to admit you like this." Lance said smugly.
"I only like this because you do it all for me.." she said with a smile and cuddled him.
They leaned back in the bean bag and closed their eyes, Pidge opened an eye when she heard a soft knock at her door.
Shiro stood in the door frame and he stared at the pair, "sorry to interrupt, hunk just wanted me to tell you he made food and teas."
"Food?" Pidge said.
"Tea?!" Lance said jumping up from the beanbag and bolting to the kitchen.
Pidge sighed and grabbed her glasses and slid them on her face before following lance and shiro to the kitchen.
"Lance I swear to god if you don't get away from me I'll smash the kettle over your head!" Keith yelled as he held the tea kettle above lances head.
Lance mimicked Keith and stuck his tongue out. Pidge exhaled and grabbed some food that hunk had made. Keith and lance stopped arguing and Keith looked at pidge and started laughing,
"What happened to you?!" He snorted as he looked at the short girl who's face was covered in face moisturiser and her fringe was tied back.
"She's getting a skin care treatment from her lovely boyfriend, jealous kogane?~" lance said as he wrapped his arm around pidge.
Keith scoffed, "very" he sarcastically replied before pouring his tea and heading back to the lounge area.
Hunk handed Pidge her tea and she headed to the kitchen counter and sat down, lance sat beside her and ate his food.
"Sorry if I intruded before," shiro said swirling the tea around in his mug.
"You didn't," Pidge said with a smile, "we weren't doing anything really."
Lance nodded and sipped his tea. Allura walked into the kitchen, "Good Afternoon Paladins," she said with a smile.
Pidge and lance waved to her and ate their food.
"Good afternoon Princess" shiro said as he took the last swig of his tea and put the mug in the sink, "thanks hunk"
"No problem!" Hunk said with a smile.
Shiro left the kitchen and Allura sat down opposite Pidge and lance, "how are you two?"
"Great!" Lance said with a smile.
"Same" Pidge said, "how are you princess?"
"I'm good thank you Pidge.." Allura said, "you two doing.. what is it?- skincare?"
Lance nodded, "I could lend you some stuff again if you'd like 'lura"
Allura smiled and replied, "that would be great lance.."
After a while Pidge and lance finished their food and tea and headed back to Pidge's room. Lance laid on her bed and looked at all the posters she has hung up and she squeezed into his arms after a while and closed her eyes. Lance cuddled her close and played with her hair, she fell asleep after a while and he watched her stomach bounce up and down as she breathed and he carefully took her glasses off her face and closed his eyes and fell asleep cuddling her.

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