Returned to Winterfell

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Jon was waiting in Sansa's solar he needed to talk to her before he gathered Robb and Sam . He had retuned very late at night and decided to wait until morning to see everyone . It had been very difficult to leave Rae and Dany , but he truly could not live with himself if he was not there for Sansa and Robb now . It was draining , physically and emotionally to be the cause of so much heartache and turmoil .

Sansa finally came out . She was surprised to see him .

"  What are you doing here ?"

" I told you I would be back and I am ."

" I see ."

" I told Dany everything about you and Robb . She is not going to do anything to Robb unless he decides to challenge Rae or her for the Six Kingdoms . She just wants everyone to stay away . ...... Including me ."

" I see."

" I told her that I still loved you and she kicked me out . She wants nothing more to do with me ."

" What am I supposed to do with that knowledge exactly your Grace ?" Sansa says sarcastically .

" I just wanted you to know."

" I don't want to know what happens between you and your wife , your Grace . It's bad form . In the future I would appreciate if we only spoke of things pertaining to Robb . Other than that there is no need for us to speak on anything ."

" Sansa why are you doing this ?"

" Please address me as Lady Stark , there is no reason for us to be familiar . I've really no need for you except as it pertains to my son . I truly don't know what you think you're doing . Why are you even here ? Just go back ! Go back up your wife . I don't know what you've told her , but we have no connection other than Robb . Simply put I just don't trust you . Without trust there really can be no relationship other than cordiality , and that is how I will be with you ."

" I repeat why are you doing this ? I'm finally here . I've been truthful with Dany and I'm here because I know you're not well and I want to make sure you recover . It's been torture to be away from you , please let's not waste anymore of our lives . I beg you , let's ...  "

" Yes you're finally here after your wife kicked you out and wants nothing more to do with you . What am I , the consolation prize ? You've spent your life with her and now what you're tired of her ? Bored ? Wanted something different ? So now your here at my door ?"

"That is not what this is !"

" This is exactly that ! Your problem has always been your indecision . Well let me tell you something after being alone for decades I don't want you in my life . I really don't . I don't want the Queens leftovers do you understand ? You have never ever chosen me first . I have never been the one who you have fought for . But guess what?  I cut you out of my heart years ago . There is a scar there that has healed and I will not allow you to open up that wound . Do you understand ? It's too late , the time has passed . If you would like to have a relationship with Robb that is fine . He needs a parent in his life in the event that my health fails me . I will support that for his sake . Nothing more . And I don't want you involved in my personal issues including my health issues . If I need to go somewhere or if I need someone to be with me I will ask Brienne or Sir Jaime . They have been a constant in my life and in Robb's life , not you !"

" Sansa please ..."

" Please leave your Grace !"

Jon leaves her solar .

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