Chapter 13

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AUTHORS MESSAGE: Hello my love bugs! this chapter is boring. but i tried to make it good. Heck this book is a little boring. but it gets more interesting. TRUST ME! Anyhow..... Please vote and comment! >.< xoxo

Chapter 13

“Mom have you heard from Max?” I ask. “No, I thought he was back.” She responds. “No, he’s been gone all day. I called but no body answered.” I say worried. “Try again, and if he doesn’t answer then we will go look for him. Something bad probably happened between him and his dad so he went o go cool off.” She points out. I dial Max’s number and a lady answered. “Hello?” She asked. “Um, who is this?? Where’s Max?” I asked. “Please come to the hospital, he was in a terrible car accident and he is in a Coloma. I’ll tell you more when you arrive.” She says and hangs up. My face turns white and I drop my phone into the floor. “Zach? What’s wrong?” Asked mom and dad. “Max…. He is in the hospital. He got into a car accident and he is in a Coloma.” I say slowly. “Alright, come on lets go now.” Yells mom and rushes out to the Tahoe. I run and sit in the back while dad sits in the front with mom. Mom squeals the tires while backing out and rushes to the hospital. My mind starts racing hundred miles per hour. I can’t lose him now.

We arrive to the hospital and I run into the E.R. “What room is Maxwell Carters in?” I ask really fast. “Follow me.” Says the nurse and rushes us back into the room. “Are you family?” Asked the doctor? “Yes.” I responded. “Ok, so the police report came in and they said someone hit his back tire and made him flip his car. The towing company said the car had to at least flip 5 times or more to cause that much damage. When the ambulance arrived at the scene, he was unconscious and barely breathing. We had to put a tube down his throat to help him breathe because his lungs collapsed. He is now into a Coloma. It’s not a bad one we hope, but he should be awake in the next couple days or more. If he doesn’t wake up in the week, then we will know more about his Coloma. I’m truly sorry.” The doctor says and walks away. I begin to cry. My mom reaches over and wraps her arms around me. I push her away. “I want to go see him.” I tell my parents and walked into his room. His face is all cut up and has stitches; he has a brace around his neck and a cast around his left leg. I pull over a chair and sit down next to him. I cry even more when I looked at his face. Who can even do this to someone? I thought. I grab his hand and held it. “I need you to wake up.” I said into his ear. My parents walk over and put their hand onto my shoulder. “I want to be left alone.” I tell them. “If you need anything, we will be right outside. I have to call his mom.” Says mom while she walks out. All I hear is the equipment in his room. The beeping, the drips, everything. I lay my head down on his hand and cry. “I can’t do this without you Max. I love you and I need you. Please wake up soon, please.” I say while sobbing. I kept crying and crying until I hear the nurse come in. “Sorry, if you don’t mind, I have to change his IV.” I get up and move out of her way. She Moves the bag from the hook and puts up another and hooks it up into his arms. “Thank you.” She says and walks out. I walked back over and sat down. I just can’t imagine how this happened? Who could do such a thing? I thought. Then I thought harder. What if it was Andrew and Alyssa? No, they couldn’t do such a thing. Not like that. They never had done that before. “Excuse me sir.” I turn around and I see two detectives. “I’m detectives Peters and this is my partner detective Reynolds. Do you mind if we ask you a few questions? We don’t mean to bother you. But it is important.” Said Detective Peters. “No, of course.” I say and turn to them. “Where were you at the time of the accident?” Asked detective Peters. They really are considering that I did this? I can’t even drive. Fucking stupid cops.  “I was at home waiting for him. He went to go see his dad in prison and I told him when he got back we would go out. And he said he would only be gone for like three hours, four the most. And it was at least 7 hours, until the hospital answered his phone.” I responded. “Do you know of anyone who was out to get him?” Asked Detective Reynolds. “Actually yes. Andrew Dears and Alyssa Foster. They have been saying stuff and doing stuff ever since I and Max started dating.” I responded instantly. “That is exactly what your mother said too. But she said another name on top of that. Trevor Waters. That name rings a bell?” Asked Detective Reynolds. “Trevor didn’t have anything against me or him. Never did. He actually tried to stop Alyssa and Andrew at school and they got mad at him. I can show the messages what he sent me if you like”. I replied while pulling out my phone. “No thanks, that’s good enough. Thanks.” Said Detective Peters and they walked out. I still wouldn’t see Andrew and Alyssa doing that. I had no idea they were capable to do such a thing. They seriously have issues if they tried to kill him because he is gay. I lay my head back down on his hand and then I cried myself to sleep.

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