Lol new brother is funny

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Drew girl in the pearl earring as a BLM activist.

Showed new brother.

New brother sat there for a minute before asking me what my art teacher thought of it, then got up to ask her what grade I got on it.

Like generalization of their convo

We'll call him King Vader cuz they kinda look alike- and we'll call my art teacher E cuz it's what her friends call her

King Vader: what grade did (my name) get on her project?
E: what?
King Vader: what grade did she get?
E: oh she got a 200 and it's (slightly incorrect pronunciation of my name)
King Vader: I thought it was (a correct pronunciation)
Me: It's the same as the other spelling, my parents just spelt it wrong.

Context, my name is spelt uniquely tho I've seen someone else with the same spelling. So people get its pronunciation mixed up even tho it's pronounced the exact same as it's usual spelling.

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